Betting limits: Minimum 0.01 BTC
Fees: 1%
Expert Review
Aug 08, 2020

Lucky Bit is a provably fair dice gambling platform. The players can bet instantly with no account needed using Bitcoin. Lucky Bit can be used without registration and has an average fee of 0.0012 BTC. They also offer live interactive gameplay.

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User reviews
Ibker 7 February 2021

Where is my lucky bit? I've lost it.

Tornike 2 January 2021

After the registration, I got an email that I have activite it. But the link doesn't work. What's that?

Scavenger 9 November 2020

I wasn't lucky at all, too pity.

Idle 7 November 2020

I didn't get how it works, it doesn't look user friendly.

Betting limits: Minimum 0.01 BTC
Fees: 1%
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