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ChainX Review 2021 - CLOSED

Country: South Korea
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Grade points: 0.00
Expert Review
Nov 26, 2020

ChainX is a centralized exchange based in Korea, launched in March 2019. It provides investors with access to KRW fiat/cryptos pairs, charging zero deposit fees. 

The goal of ChainX is to become an inter-chain asset gateway that provides relay services for assets that need to be transferred across chains. ChainX measures users' mining power based on the market value of BTC, DOT, ETH, ERC20, EOS and other assets that are deposited in by an inter-chain bridge. ChainX didn't organize any ICO or pre-mining event. ChainX will use the PoS algorithm to establish the a blockchain network that can game for a long time.

Our Score
Functionality 3 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Support 4 / 5
Fees 4 / 5
Our Score
3.8 / 5
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User reviews
Mario 2 December 2020

The average exchange. I would like to, that the tech support answered more quickly. And as soon as possible, work was carried out to improve the quality and speed of transactions.

Country: South Korea
Mobile app: -
Grade points: 0.00
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