84 company

Synthetix is a derivatives liquidity protocol on Ethereum that enables the issuance and trading of synthetic assets.


Creditcoin is a decentralized credit network that aims to make the bridge between investors and fundraisers. The platform will allow miners (investors) to earn the platform tokens by providing capital to clients, on the other hand, the clients will raise capital by paying Creditcoin to the miners.


SafeCoin is a lightning fast and efficient Proof-of-Stake blockchain network based on the Solana code base. It takes Solana’s best features like its unique Proof-of-History timing mechanism, and improves upon the code to make it more accessible to a greater number of people.

Its primary identifier is $SAFE, and it is also a DeFi platform that apps and other tokens can be built upon.


Orion Protocol aims to solve some of the largest issues in DeFi by aggregating the liquidity of the entire crypto market into one decentralized platform.