84 company

Alpha Finance Lab is a DeFi Lab, and on a mission to build Alpha Universe. Alpha Universe includes the Alpha ecosystem, which consists of Alpha products that interoperate to maximize returns while minimizing risks for users, and other ecosystems incubated through the Alpha Launchpad incubator program.

SWERVE FINANCE is described to be a fork of Curve, owned 100% by the community. It is claimed that there's no fake-out deployment, no questionable pre-mining, no founder controlling majority of the governance vote, no suspect team proposals, no 30% allocation to 'shareholders', no team allocation, no decades long distribution.


DFI.Money (YFII) is a DeFi platform which aims to build products on aggregated liquidity provision, leveraged trading, automated marketing making.


BONDProtect (BProtect) is a smart contract-based marketplace payment platform designed to make the buying and selling of any good or service easy and protected


Band Protocol is a cross-chain data oracle network that aggregates and connects real-world data and APIs to smart contracts. Blockchains enable immutable storage and deterministic, verifiable computations — however, they cannot securely access data available outside the blockchain networks.

Keep3r Network is a decentralized keeper network for projects that need external devops and for external teams to find keeper jobs.


DIA (Decentralized Information Asset) is an ecosystem for open financial data in a financial smart contract ecosystem. The target of DIA is to bring together data analysts, data providers, and data users. In general, DIA provides a reliable and verifiable bridge between off-chain data from various sources and on-chain smart contracts that can be used to build a variety of financial dApps.


THORChain is built for cross-chain permissionless digital asset liquidity. Stake assets in liquidity pools to earn fees, swap assets instantly at open market prices, borrow and lend on any asset, and pay in any currency.

SafeCoin is a lightning fast and efficient Proof-of-Stake blockchain network based on the Solana code base. It takes Solana’s best features like its unique Proof-of-History timing mechanism, and improves upon the code to make it more accessible to a greater number of people.

Its primary identifier is $SAFE, and it is also a DeFi platform that apps and other tokens can be built upon.


Bella Protocol is described to be a set of DeFi products for one-click crypto banking. The project's goal is to accelerate DeFi adoption among mass users by providing a full-suite of DeFi products, including automated yield farming tool, lending protocol, 1-click savings account, customized robo-advisor, and more with elegant design and smooth user experience. It is claimed that the core concept of Bella product design is 1-Click - which aims to condense information into actionable plans, automate everything possible, and cater to both new and experienced users.


Melon (MLN) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform.

Creditcoin is a decentralized credit network that aims to make the bridge between investors and fundraisers. The platform will allow miners (investors) to earn the platform tokens by providing capital to clients, on the other hand, the clients will raise capital by paying Creditcoin to the miners.


DEGO adopts a modular combination design concept. Modularity refers to the combination of various elements of the product to form a subsystem with specific functions. We combine this subsystem as a universal module with other modules to create a new system with multiple functions and performance.


Compound (COMP) is an ERC-20 asset that powers the community governance of the Compound protocol; COMP token-holders and their delegates debate, propose, and vote on changes to the protocol. By placing COMP directly into the hands of users and applications, an increasingly large ecosystem will be able to upgrade the protocol and will be incentivized to collectively steward the protocol into the future with good governance.

Midas.Finance is a one-stop yield farming platform. The platform is built on Avalanche blockchain. Users hold THRONE nodes in exchange for perpetual yield rewards and access multiple DeFi services and other investment options without the need to access them separately. On top of that, Midas.Finance provides Metaverse and Play-to-Earn services. NFTs marketplace also presents among the features of Midas.Finance. According to the Midas.Finance representative, the platform is a rival of Univ, Thor, Strong, Power nodes, and the Red Light District node.


mStable unifies stablecoins, lending and swapping into one standard. mStable assets are liquidity shares that also function as stablecoins in their own right.


Kava is a decentralized hub for cross-chain DeFi applications and services.


The heartbeat of cross-chain composability.


SushiSwap (SUSHI) is an example of an automated market maker. An increasingly popular tool among cryptocurrency users, AMMs are decentralized exchanges which use smart contracts to create markets for any given pair of tokens.

dHedge is a protocol for decentralized asset management powered by Synthetix. With this announcement, dHedge is emerging out of stealth mode.