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DEW (DEW) logo

DEW (DEW) Price and Reviews

Symbol: DEW
Expert Review
May 24, 2020

DEW (DEW) abbreviation stands for “Decentralized Exchange of the World”. Therefore, DEW token is the native token of this exchange platform. It is based on the Ethereum protocol. You can buy DEW for crypto (for example, BTC or ETC) on the number of exchanges. 
There are a number of Dew wallets represented by online and mobile apps (for example. Lumi Dew wallet). 

Interestingly, the Dew exchange platform is not limited to cryptos. It also provides futures, stock, Forex, Bet contracts etc. 

You are welcome to share your feedback and reviews about DEW cryptocurrency here.

Our Score
Transaction speed 4 / 5
Technology 4 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Investment potential 4 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
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4 / 5
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User reviews
Martin Kopfmann 30 January 2020

A good one.

Symbol: DEW
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