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Akash Network (AKT) Review

Expert Review
Feb 22, 2022

Akash Network envisions a world where cloud computing is permissionless, sovereign, and open, where builders of the internet have greater freedom to expand the human experience.

Akash Network is building this future.

Known as the “Airbnb for Cloud Compute”, Akash Network provides a fast, efficient and low-cost application deployment solution. Developers leveraging Akash’s platform can access cloud computing at up to three times less than the cost of centralized cloud providers like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. Utilizing containerization and open-source technology, Akash Network leverages 85% of underutilized cloud capacity in 8.4 million global data centers, enabling anyone to buy and sell cloud computing.

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User reviews
Dan 19 April 2022

There is a possibility of mining, but it is not clear how to do it....

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