संपर्क करें
शुरू की: 2016
साइट: www.ether.li
Security: Personal
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Easy
Features: 2 Factor Authentication, Multi-Signature
Platforms: Web
ValidationType: SPV
विशेषज्ञ की समीक्षा
Aug 10, 2020

EtherLi is a non-custodial wallet that allows users to store and manage their Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum-based tokens. Launched in 2020, the wallet offers a secure and user-friendly platform for storing and transferring cryptocurrency. In this review, we will discuss the key features of EtherLi and its advantages and disadvantages.

User Interface

The EtherLi wallet has a simple and intuitive user interface that makes it easy to use for both beginners and experienced cryptocurrency users. The dashboard displays the user's wallet balance, recent transactions, and other account information. The wallet supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese, making it accessible to users worldwide.


Security is a top priority for EtherLi. The wallet uses state-of-the-art security measures to protect users' funds, including two-factor authentication and encrypted private keys. The wallet's private keys are stored locally on the user's device, ensuring that they remain in the user's control at all times. EtherLi does not have access to the user's private keys or funds, making it a non-custodial wallet.

Supported Cryptocurrencies

EtherLi supports Ethereum (ETH) and all ERC-20 tokens. Users can easily add new tokens to their wallet by entering the token contract address. The wallet also displays the token's balance and transaction history. The wallet's support for ERC-20 tokens makes it a versatile tool for managing a wide range of cryptocurrencies.


EtherLi allows users to send and receive Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens quickly and easily. Transactions are processed quickly and confirmed on the Ethereum blockchain. The wallet also supports gas price customization, allowing users to choose their preferred transaction speed and cost. The wallet displays the transaction history, including the amount, date, and transaction status, making it easy for users to track their transaction history.

Mobile Application

EtherLi is available as a mobile application for Android and iOS devices. The mobile app offers the same features as the desktop version, allowing users to manage their cryptocurrency on-the-go. The mobile app has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use, and it supports biometric authentication, making it more secure and convenient to access.
Overall, EtherLi is a reliable and user-friendly wallet for storing and managing Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens. Its state-of-the-art security features and non-custodial design ensure that users' funds remain safe and secure at all times. The wallet's support for multiple languages and mobile applications makes it accessible to a wide range of users. However, EtherLi's lack of support for other cryptocurrencies may limit its appeal to users who hold a diverse range of digital assets.

हमारा स्कोर
Security 5 / 5
Support 5 / 5
Ease of use 5 / 5
Reputation 5 / 5
Fees 5 / 5
हमारा स्कोर
5 / 5
Pros and Cons

- User controls funds
- Co-signing of transactions


- Only web platform

अपनी समीक्षा लिखिए
कृपया अपनी रेटिंग चुनें।
आपकी समीक्षा

कंपनी के बारे में अपनी समीक्षा यहां छोड़ें: कृपया ध्यान दें कि उत्पाद चुनते समय उपयोगकर्ता के लिए आपकी प्रतिक्रिया महत्वपूर्ण हो सकती है, इसलिए अशुद्धि और अनुचित आलोचना से बचने का प्रयास करें।

आपका नाम
तुम्हारा ईमेल

आपकी ईमेल प्रकाशित नहीं की जाएगी

उपयोगकर्ता समीक्षा
Magnus 29 September 2021

This wallet has been working since 2016, but I don't find this wallet reliable

शुरू की: 2016
साइट: www.ether.li
Security: Personal
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Easy
Features: 2 Factor Authentication, Multi-Signature
Platforms: Web
ValidationType: SPV
ऐसी ही कंपनियां
एक्सएपीओ एक हांगकांग स्थित कंपनी है जो क्रिप्टोक्यूरेंसी कोल्ड वॉल्ट और परिसंपत्तियों के प्रबंधन के लिए एक मोबाइल एप्लिकेशन प्रदान करती है । इसके अलावा, एक्सएपीओ बिटकॉइन के साथ संगत एक प्रीपेड डेबिट कार्ड प्रदान करता है, जिसमें कई फिएट मुद्राएं और बिक्री मशीनों और एटीएम के कई बिंदु हैं । कंपनी अच्छी तरह से स्थापित है । यह 2013 में एक्सएपीओ के भविष्य के सीईओ, वेंस कैसरेस द्वारा बनाए गए बीटीसी के भंडारण के लिए तिजोरी के बाद लोकप्रिय हो गया था । इस समीक्षा में, हम यह पता लगाने की कोशिश करेंगे कि क्या एक्सएपीओ सुरक्षित है और क्या यह बिटकॉइन स्टोरेज और एक्सचेंज के लिए एक घोटाला या एक कानूनी मंच है ।
ट्रस्ट वॉलेट एक बहु-मुद्रा मोबाइल ऐप है जो सुरक्षित और अनाम लेनदेन को सक्षम करता है । इसने 2017 से लोकप्रियता हासिल की है ।  
Daedalus is a full-node wallet developed by Cardano for trustless and secure operations with the blockchain. It is required to download the Cardano blockchain when using the wallet.