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Perpetual Protocol (PERP) logo

Perpetual Protocol (PERP) Review 2023

Lancé: 2020
Avis d'expert
Jun 01, 2021

Perpetual Protocol is a decentralized perpetual contract exchange that is built on the Ethereum blockchain. The platform allows users to trade perpetual contracts, which are derivatives that allow traders to bet on the future price of an asset. Perpetual Protocol was launched in 2020 and is based in Singapore. The platform is open to traders from around the world, and offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for traders to trade perpetual contracts.

Trading Features

Perpetual Protocol offers a range of trading features for its users. The platform provides a simple and easy-to-use interface, allowing users to quickly buy and sell perpetual contracts. The platform also offers a range of order types, including limit and market orders. Perpetual Protocol's unique feature is its low fees, which are among the lowest in the market. The platform charges a flat 0.1% fee for each trade, which is significantly lower than many other exchanges in the market. The platform also provides real-time market data, charts, and technical analysis tools to help users make informed trading decisions.


Perpetual Protocol takes security seriously and provides a range of security features to protect its users' accounts and funds. The platform uses two-factor authentication (2FA) to secure user accounts, and also provides users with the option to enable SMS or email alerts for account activity. Perpetual Protocol also employs cold storage to store the majority of its users' funds offline, which provides an additional layer of security against hacks and theft. The platform also performs regular security audits to ensure its systems are up-to-date and secure.

Liquidity Mining

Perpetual Protocol offers a liquidity mining program that rewards users for providing liquidity to the platform. Users can earn PERP tokens, the platform's native token, by providing liquidity to the platform's liquidity pools. These liquidity pools are used to facilitate trading on the platform, and provide users with a way to earn rewards while also supporting the platform's liquidity. The platform also provides a range of tools to help users maximize their liquidity mining rewards, such as a calculator that estimates potential earnings.


Perpetual Protocol has a strong community of traders and enthusiasts who engage with the platform's content on a regular basis. The platform's comments section provides a forum for traders to discuss and share their thoughts on the latest developments in finance and trading. The platform also has a strong social media presence, with a large following on platforms such as Twitter and Discord. This community engagement adds value to the platform's content and provides traders with a broader perspective on the latest trends and developments in the trading industry.

Overall, Perpetual Protocol is a solid platform for traders who are interested in trading perpetual contracts. The platform's user-friendly interface, low fees, and security features make it an attractive option for traders. Perpetual Protocol's liquidity mining program and community engagement also provide traders with additional incentives to use the platform. However, the platform's focus on perpetual contracts may not be suitable for traders who are interested in other types of trading instruments. Nonetheless, for those looking for a decentralized and secure platform to trade perpetual contracts, Perpetual Protocol is a good option.

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Lancé: 2020
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