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Oct 21, 2020

Ren (REN) is an open protocol built to provide interoperability and liquidity between different blockchain platforms.

Formerly known as Republic Protocol, Ren launched RenVM, its virtual machine mainnet, in May 2020, having completed a $34 million initial coin offering ICOin 2018.

The protocol’s native token, REN, functions as a bond for those running nodes which power RenVM, known as Darknodes.

Ren aims to expand the interoperability, and hence accessibility, of decentralized finance DeFi by removing hurdles involved in liquidity between blockchains.

Who Are the Founders of Ren?

Ren was founded by Taiyang Zhang, its CEO, in 2017. Initially called Republic Protocol, Ren was first announced in January 2018, with Zhang explaining its initial use case as a “decentralized dark pool.”

Zhang himself has existing experience in the cryptocurrency space, having also co-founded crypto hedge fund Virgil Capital.

Prior to that, Zhang co-founded Neucode, a software and web development startup, in 2014. Jaz Gulati, Neucode’s other co-founder, now works as a software developer for Ren.

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