Escroqueries NFT Courantes et Conseils de Sécurité

Escroqueries NFT Courantes et Conseils de Sécurité
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Feb 03 137
Escroqueries NFT Courantes et Conseils de Sécurité

Avec l'avancement rapide de la technologie blockchain et la montée en puissance de Popularité du NFT ces dernières années, les programmeurs, les joueurs, les artistes et même les adolescents ont plus d'opportunités.

Malheureusement, les faux artistes et autres fraudeurs à la recherche de profit ont également remarqué de nouvelles opportunités. NFT peut fonctionner sur diverses blockchains mais est largement centré sur la blockchain Ethereum. Pointant généralement vers un fichier image, ils agissent comme un certificat numérique pour un seul objet. Comprendre comment reconnaître et éviter les escroqueries est devenu crucial en raison du risque de perte financière.

Cet article comprend des conseils sur la façon de prévenir les escroqueries NFT courantes ainsi qu'une liste complète des types d'escroqueries NFT. Notre enquête sur les fraudes au NFT fournit des informations sur les escroqueries qui ont sévi dans le secteur depuis ses débuts.

Fausses Places de Marché

Cette catégorie comprend les faux marchés et portefeuilles qui imitent les marchés légitimes qui sont fréquemment distribués via divers canaux tels que les forums, les courriels, les médias sociaux et autres. La tromperie réside dans les différences subtiles dans la mise en page ou l'URL du site Web qui rendent difficile pour les utilisateurs de faire la distinction entre les entreprises fausses et dignes de confiance. Cela peut induire en erreur les utilisateurs sans méfiance et mettre leurs actifs en danger.

Fausses Offres

Lorsque la crypto-monnaie avec laquelle vous avez répertorié vos marchandises subit un changement, cela peut entraîner une arnaque à l'enchère. Cela se produit lorsqu'un acheteur potentiel place l'enchère la plus élevée sans vous en informer.

Cette arnaque se produit lors de la vente de votre travail sur le marché secondaire afin que vous puissiez être victime de fausses offres. Cela se produit lorsqu'un acheteur propose de vous payer 1 USD au lieu de 1 ETH convenu pour votre travail.

Faux Support Technique

Sur les plateformes de médias sociaux liées à des projets de jetons non fongibles, les escrocs se font souvent passer pour des représentants du service client pour voler des actifs stockés dans les portefeuilles des utilisateurs en obtenant leurs clés privées.

Arnaque au Cadeau

Les escroqueries par cadeaux publicitaires sont une forme de tromperie dans laquelle les fraudeurs se font passer pour un échange réputé ou une personnalité bien connue pour organiser un faux concours. Ils demandent qu'une certaine quantité de bitcoin leur soit envoyée en échange d'une chance de gagner la moitié du "cadeau”. Cependant, une fois les fonds envoyés, ils ne peuvent pas être récupérés en raison de la nature irréversible des transactions Bitcoin, permettant aux escrocs de tirer profit.

Poignées de Tapis

Les escroqueries par traction de tapis ont acquis une notoriété pour leur capacité à passer inaperçues jusqu'à ce qu'il soit trop tard. Les fraudeurs génèrent de l'enthousiasme autour d'un projet pour attirer des investissements, puis l'abandonnent soudainement, comme des tactiques de pompage et de vidage. Ils le font souvent une fois qu'ils ont épuisé les fonds des investisseurs, puis disparaissent des médias sociaux et retirent tout l'argent de leur portefeuille.

NFT contrefaits

Le propriétaire d'une œuvre d'art n'équivaut pas à posséder l'original ou à contrôler les droits de propriété intellectuelle d'une œuvre d'art. N'importe quelle image peut être transformée en œuvre d'art sur des plateformes comme OpenSea, même si vous n'en possédez pas les droits. Des individus trompeurs peuvent exploiter cela en reproduisant les NFT du travail d'un autre utilisateur, en faisant croire aux acheteurs qu'ils acquièrent des œuvres d'art authentiques, puis en vendant l'imitation sur le marché. Une fois que la tromperie est exposée, le faux travail perd complètement sa valeur.

Pompe et Vidage

Les escrocs ont recours à des stratégies de pompage et de vidage pour augmenter artificiellement le prix de leur collection dans l'intention de réaliser un profit. Pour y parvenir, ils publient plusieurs offres en succession rapide pour susciter l'enthousiasme à propos de la baisse. Lorsque les prix atteignent un certain point, les escrocs vendent leurs avoirs, laissant aux acheteurs sans méfiance les œuvres d'art pour lesquelles ils ont payé en trop.

Comment vous protégez-vous des arnaques NFT?

Ce guide a été créé pour vous aider à vous défendre contre les escroqueries NFT en apprenant à les identifier et à les éviter. Les étapes essentielles à garder à l'esprit incluent la vérification des liens et des sites Web, la réalisation de recherches contextuelles, la vérification de la devise transactionnelle et l'utilisation uniquement de comptes vérifiés. Il est essentiel de ne pas donner de mots de passe et d'examiner attentivement l'historique des transactions et les données du portefeuille d'une collection avant de l'acheter. Vérifiez le nombre de transactions et d'acheteurs sur des plateformes comme OpenSea pour une sécurité accrue contre la fraude au pompage et au vidage. Contactez l'artiste via les réseaux sociaux pour plus d'assurance.

Il est nécessaire de faire une enquête de fond fondamentale et de confirmer l'authenticité de la source. L'étape suivante consiste à vérifier que le site Web est légitime et que les antécédents du compte du vendeur sont fiables.

La vérification de la devise transactionnelle avant de commencer les transactions aidera à prévenir les escroqueries.

Pour éviter la fausse arnaque à l'assistance, assurez-vous d'accéder uniquement à une chaîne telegram ou à un serveur Discord spécifique via la page ou le site officiel d'un créateur.

Vous pouvez éviter les escroqueries contrefaites en vous assurant que toute œuvre que vous achetez sur une place de marché provient d'un compte vérifié.


Fraude les incidents apparaissent de plus en plus fréquemment à mesure que l'écosystème se développe et se développe. Il est crucial de se renseigner sur les stratégies que les escrocs utilisent sur le marché et de se tenir au courant des lois les plus récentes et des développements technologiques dans le secteur si l'on veut se protéger de ces stratagèmes. Malgré le fait que Escroqueries NFT deviennent courants, il existe des précautions que vous pouvez prendre pour protéger vos actifs. Tout d'abord, vous devez protéger votre portefeuille des pirates informatiques et ne jamais divulguer vos clés privées. Il est conseillé d'établir votre compte sur un portefeuille fiable pour réduire davantage la possibilité de devenir la proie de sites commerciaux louches. Il existe un certain nombre de technologies numériques bien connues portefeuilles disponible pour vous de choisir.

Les opinions et appréciations exprimées dans le texte sont celles de l'auteur de l'article et peuvent ne pas représenter la position de Cryptogeek. N'oubliez pas qu'investir dans des crypto-monnaies et négocier en bourse est associé à un risque. Avant de prendre des décisions, assurez-vous de faire vos propres recherches sur le marché et les produits qui vous intéressent.

Thomas Lawson
20 December 2023
It can be a very unpleasant and bitter experience to lose one's cryptocurrency to a scam. I had most likely the worst fraud experience. More than $125,000 was lost to me. While searching for solutions on the internet, I came into contact with ((recoveryexpert (@) rescueteam. com)) who were into recovering stolen or lost Crypto from a scam. I made further inquiries into them, and upon my findings, I reached out to them, and they did a fantastic job of recovering nearly all of my Crypto that I had been scammed of.

Paul Ryan
18 December 2023
I'm Paul Ryan, and I'm excited to tell you that I've finally found a trustworthy cyber expert who deals with lost bitcoin issues/recovery. I lost all of my money after being misled into investing in stolen bitcoin a few months ago. Despite the fact that I was in a bad circumstance, my sadness was short-lived because a coworker had told me about (recoveryexpert at rescueteam dot com), a company that deals with Recovery Solution. I was able to reclaim the money that had been taken with the help of Recovery Expert. I was able to regain my $155,000 after being informed by another group of hackers that it had been permanently lost.

Lori Parker
18 December 2023
Hi everyone. I’m Lori Parker from Mesa, Arizona. I was one of the victims of a crypto investment scam that saw me lose $302,000 worth of crypto. The crypto market is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost some of their crypto coins and crypto assets to these online scams. My wallet address was compromised and I don’t know how they got a hold of my recovery phrase, but I was wiped out by these scam attacks. I lost all my crypto coins ( ethereum, Btc & USDT) and this left me devastated and depressed. I could have been homeless if it was not for the intervention of Spyweb Cyber Security Service, a well-known and highly trusted crypto recovery company whom I contacted through a colleague of mine, I filed a complaint to Spyweb Cyber Security Services and provided them with all the information including screenshots of the transactions. Spyweb Cyber Security Service was able to recover my crypto assets in less than 48 hours. I was totally in awe of how quickly and efficiently Spyweb Security Service was able to access my stolen crypto and recover my crypto wallet and assets. I’m highly impressed and I recommend their services to everyone. Truly information is very valuable and without the help of SpyWeb Cyber Security, I could have been homeless and left in a pitiful state. I’m very thankful for their help and I’m glad there is a safe way to fully recover crypto assets since the authorities cannot do anything to help get back lost funds. Spyweb Cyber Security was able to help me trace these conmen with their sophisticated cyber security system. You can easily contact Spyweb cyber security service with the following information.
E-MAIL; ( Whatsapp; (+13239048824) Web; (

Robert Howard
16 December 2023
Danielmeuliweberecovery (@) email . com
Or WhatsApp:  +. 2 8You can also visit then  on Telegram (@) DANIELMEULI
Daniel Meuli Web Recovery understands that not everyone is a tech Daniel  . That's why it offers an intuitive user interface that even your grandmother can navigate. With its simple and straightforward design, you'll be on your way to recovering lost bitcoin in no time. Daniel Meuli Web Recovery doesn't just skim the surface when it comes to bitcoin recovery. It goes deep – really deep. With its powerful scanning algorithms, it can delve into the darkest corners of your storage devices to locate and recover lost bitcoin. So no matter how buried your precious bitcoin may be, Daniel Meuli Web Recovery will find it. You don't want to waste time waiting a long time for your bitcoin to be retrieved because time is valuable. Daniel Meuli Web Recovery is aware of this and makes a constant effort to save you time. Its quick recovery method will get you back up and running quickly, whether you're trying to recover a single bitcoin or a whole hard drive full of information. Data recovery services can be expensive, but with Daniel Meuli Web Recovery, you can save those hard-earned dollars. This affordable tool offers a cost-effective solution to recovering your lost bitcoin without breaking the bank. So say goodbye to those hefty recovery service bills and hello to a wallet-friendly option. No matter what operating system or device you're using, Daniel Meuli Web Recovery has your back. It's compatible with a wide range of platforms, including Windows, Mac, and even those trendy Linux systems. So whether you're recovering bitcoin from your trusty laptop or that dusty old PC you found in the attic, this tool has got you covered. Call out Daniel Meuli web recovery on. contact the information above  

Christine Romans
15 December 2023
BITCOIN SCAM RECOVERY SOLUTIONS / ULTIMATE HACKER JERRY. How do I Recover My Stolen Cryptocurrency Without Being Scammed Again?. Ultimate Hacker Jerry Intelligence was founded by Cyber Intelligence, Crypto Investigations, Asset Recovery and Offshore Legal Experts. With over 40 years of experience in these fields individually they came together to form a boutique Cyber and Crypto Intelligence Group focused on providing results. Using the latest Cyber tools, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), Human Intelligence (HUMINT), cutting edge technology and Cryptocurrency Tools to recover lost cryptocurrency, they provide Actionable Intelligence to their clients. Headquartered in Texas, Ultimate Hacker Jerry Intelligence has its Cabinet Operations Center in Rehovot, Israel and its Global Investigations Head Office in Austin, TX 78703, USA. Contact details: Call/Whtsap/Telegram : +1(520)282-7151 Email: Visit: ©️ 2023 Romans Christine News

Jimmy Smith
14 December 2023
Recovery Expert always does an excellent job. When they rejected me the withdrawal of my investment, I saw a witness of a Great Visual Hacker named Recovery Experts, and I required a Hacker to help me recover my investment plans. I reached out to him at (recoveryexpert (at) rescueteam. com). He asked for the relevant details, which I provided, and within 48 hours he was able to provide me with a detailed breakdown of my cash, which he successfully recovered. Allow him a chance.

Michael Hayes
12 December 2023
Scam losses are the result of mistakes, and we all make them. The key step is what we do next; the decisions we make will either propel us forward or hold us back. I lost $75,000 after investing in a bogus investment firm. Thank you to RECOVERYEXPERT (at) RESCUETEAM . COM for assisting me in recovering my funds. I had no idea that it was possible to recover lost coins.

Fan Chang
12 December 2023
Losing bitcoin is also relatable to losing your personal wallet with cash or losing access to your bank account! Traumatizing right? Basically bitcoin recovery gives you back control over your assets it also helps in safeguarding your financial security.Which enables you access to your money at your convenience.With varse experience that we have at Lee ultimate Hacker we assure you the best service in recovering your lost Bitcoin with the latest top notch recovery program and our experienced staff who are swift and fast in recovery,We identify the circumstances under which you lost your account and with our unique recovery program we tackle all and the most complex problems.Lee ultimate Hacker has a good track record from years of experience we ensure all our clients are satisfied with our services .For more information about our services kindly contact our customer service team who are on standby through
leeultimatehacker @aol. com
Thank you

Cindy Cooley
12 December 2023
There are several unfortunate scenarios in which users may find themselves in desperate need of Bitcoin recovery services. One common situation is when they lose their wallet passwords. Remembering complex passwords can be challenging, and a forgotten password can lock you out of your Bitcoin wallet indefinitely. Phishing attacks and scams have become increasingly prevalent in the world of cryptocurrencies. It's easy for unsuspecting users to fall victim to these fraudulent schemes, resulting in the loss of Bitcoin. Digital Web Recovery has the expertise to investigate such incidents and recover the funds, protecting users from financial ruin. When you reach out to Digital Web Recovery for assistance, the process begins with an initial consultation and assessment. Their team will listen to your situation, gather relevant information, and determine the best course of action to recover your lost Bitcoin. Contact Digital Web Recovery Via: digitalwebrecovery(@) & WhatsApp: +14033060588 Thanks.

Ruth Sullivan
12 December 2023
It's reassuring to know that there is a group of wizards prepared to save the day in a world full with cyberthreats and digital hazards. CYBER WAR DRIVERS has repeatedly demonstrated that they possess the know-how, tenacity, and aptitude necessary to retrieve bitcoin that has been pilfered. Therefore, don't give up if your digital possessions disappear. Put your faith in CYBER WAR DRIVERS's abilities and allow them to use their digital wizardry to protect your bitcoin and give you piece of mind. Reputation and reliability are crucial when assigning someone the duty of retrieving your pilfered bitcoin. With years of experience, CYBER WAR DRIVERS has established a strong track record of accomplishment and gained the confidence of several happy clients. They are the best option for anyone looking to safely restore their priceless digital assets because their reputation speaks for itself. Regarding bitcoin theft, time is of the importance. It is more likely that your digital assets will vanish into the shadowy reaches of the internet the longer you wait to report the theft. That is the reason it is so important to disclose the theft to professionals such as CYBER WAR DRIVERS as soon as possible. It's similar to tracing a digital breadcrumb trail to track down stolen bitcoin. But do not worry; CYBER WAR DRIVERS is aware of all the hidden doors and dangers in the virtual world. They can track down stolen bitcoin transactions using advanced technologies and methods that take them right to the thieves' front doors. Thus, unwind while the wizards perform their magic to return your pilfered bitcoin to your residence. So keep in mind that CYBER WAR DRIVERS is the company to contact if you become a victim of Bitcoin theft and all hope seems lost. With their special combination of knowledge, commitment, and state-of-the-art technology, they potentially hold the secret to recovering what was previously lost to the depths of the internet. Contact CYBER WAR DRIVERS via email: or WhatsApp: +19196331004

Olivia Emma
11 December 2023
In one notable case, Cyberspace Hack Pro successfully recovered stolen Bitcoin from a hacked exchange. Through their meticulous analysis of the blockchain and collaboration with law enforcement agencies, they traced the funds, identified the perpetrators, and facilitated the return of the stolen assets to their rightful owners. This case served as a testament to their expertise and the effectiveness of their recovery techniques. Cyberspace Hack Pro also accomplished the amazing accomplishment of recovering lost money from a compromised wallet. They found the security hole, recovered the money, and strengthened the wallet's security safeguards by applying their sophisticated forensic techniques and in-depth knowledge of wallet vulnerabilities. This example demonstrated their capacity to stop future mishaps in addition to recovering lost property. Cyberspace Hack Pro stands out in the market thanks to their creative approach to cryptocurrency recovery. They address the complexity and difficulties related to bitcoin theft with their special combination of knowledge, cutting-edge technology, and customized solutions. They show via their successful case studies that they can retrieve misplaced or pilfered assets and instill trust in the bitcoin ecosystem.  Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have become increasingly important in the field of cryptocurrency recovery and these are some tools used by Cyberspace hack pro. These technologies enable faster and more accurate analysis of large amounts of data, helping experts identify patterns and anomalies that may be indicative of unauthorized activities. Security is paramount when it comes to the recovery of cryptocurrencies. Cyberspace Hack Pro is aware of the necessity to safeguard confidential data while it is being recovered. To prevent unauthorized access to client data, we use cutting-edge encryption methods and secure communication protocols. Contact Cyberspace hack pro through email:  cyberspacehackpro @ rescueteam . com: WhatsApp:  +1(656)2056590

8 December 2023
Someone who claimed to be from a reliable bitcoin exchange got in touch with me and requested my login information. Because I was stupid enough to believe them, they were able to take my bitcoin. I was inconsolable. I didn't know what to do because I had lost a lot of money. I felt disappointed in myself and was embarrassed to explain what had happened to anyone. Then, though, I thought of your name: Hacking Program Schwartz Software . I was aware that you were my best option for getting my bitcoin back after reading about your work assisting folks in recovering misplaced Schwartz Software. When I contacted you, you took my case right away. You never lost hope and were meticulous and professional. You put in a lot of effort to find the persons who had taken my bitcoin, and in the end, you were able to return it to me. Communicate to Hacking Program Schwartz Software :
+1 205-390-1959

WhatsApp: +1 205-390-1959
Hacking Program Schwartz Software

Gwendoline George
6 December 2023
I actually know how it feels and how it hurts to lose money you have worked half of your life for to invest with the thoughts of getting returns when you are retired. Throughout my years in the history of binary trading this is the worst company I’ve encountered doing business with them. These people are so rude and unfriendly after they steal from you. I learnt the hard way and I made a promise never to deal with them anymore though I had to find a way of how I can get back my money from them. After doing a lot of research on how I can get all my money back, I was able to get a lasting solution from a recovery agent, Jeanson James Ancheta wizard. We got to have a conversation after I emailed him on ( or WhatsApp number: +447529524472., he explained to me what is needed and why it was needed. I decided to take my chances with him due to my desperations. After 5 days, he emailed back with great news. I was so relieved to be able to make this much (408,000USD out of 688,000USD) of a recovery after losing much more to the phonies. If you are out there and need to recover your funds from any type of online bitcoin fraud, I urge anyone out there to contact him once you notice that the people you are investing with start to give you excuses before it’s too late.

6 December 2023
My estimates show that I made $20,200 in one week of trading but lost it all when I sought to participate in an airdrop. I was devastated until I discovered some glowing testimonials for Recovery Expert. I'm pleased right now since they came through for me by recovering my money from the scammers; my advice is to be aware of the links you click on the internet to avoid losing money. The experience is not humorous no matter how much money you lose to a scammer. Contact (recoveryexpert @ rescueteam. com) to reclaim your stolen Funds.

3 December 2023
Many people invest in the bitcoin market and subsequently fall victim to investment scams. After investing all of my savings in bitcoins, I was immediately deleted from my account with no notice or answer from the bitcoin investment platform. Despite the fact that I was in excruciating pain, a buddy recommended recoveryexpert, a respected organization that recovers cryptocurrency. This incredible bitcoin recovery staff promptly assisted me in reclaiming the funds from my locked account. I couldn't have finished the assignment without the help of recoveryexpert. You can contact them through (recoveryexpert @ rescueteam . com)

Cheri Gardner
2 December 2023
I lost about $350,000 to 2 fake binary option websites as well but I am sharing my experience here so as to enlighten and educate everyone who is losing money or has lost money to a scam including binary options, dating scams, fake crypto investing scheme or platform, real-estate scams, Mortgage, and fake ICOs websites. However, EXNER PRO HACKER has been able to recover 90% of the money I lost to the scammers. I am pleased to inform you that there is hope for everyone who has lost money to scams. Contact ExnerprohackerATprotonmailDOTcom. He will help you recover your funds.

Karin Jaeger
30 November 2023
Consider losing your wallet containing all of your cash or losing access to your bank account. That is essentially how it feels to lose bitcoin. Because Bitcoin recovery gives you back control over your digital assets, it is essential. Recovering lost or stolen bitcoin is crucial to safeguarding your financial security, regardless of whether you need to access the money for personal or business-related purposes. Experience counts in the recovery of bitcoin. With years of experience, the staff at Lee Ultimate Hacker is skilled at recovering bitcoin that has been misplaced or stolen. They differ from other recovery services due to their proficiency with blockchain technology, digital signatures, and digital investigations. They have a proven track record of accomplishment and the respect of many happy customers. It's important to pick the correct team to manage your bitcoin recovery. Lee Ultimate Hacker is distinguished by its efficiency, professionalism, and dedication to their customers. They put up a great deal of effort to deliver prompt solutions because they recognize the anxiety and urgency that accompany losing bitcoin. They provide your peace of mind at every stage of the rehabilitation process by using a straightforward and individualized approach. An initial evaluation and consultation with the professionals at Lee Ultimate Hacker constitute the first step in the bitcoin recovery procedure. They'll assess the circumstances, compile pertinent data, and offer advice on the best course of action. Understanding the particular difficulties in your case and creating a recovery plan that works for you both depend on this consultation. Ensure to contact Lee ultimate hacker customer service
whatsapp +1 (203) 954-8008
telegram +1 (626) 676-5937
Thank you.

Chailal Klahan
27 November 2023
Hey guys, I am Chailal Klahan. I was skeptical at first but after reading so many reviews I had to give “Jeanson James Ancheta wizard” a try. Mind you, I was burned by two others who claimed to help. Jeanson James Ancheta wizard helped remove my information from the darkweb and also fixed my credit score. The student loans, eviction, collections and charge offs were removed and my FICO score increased to 790 average. West also helped to recover about $78k worth of BTC I lost via a romance scam. Jeanson James Ancheta wizard is reliable and honest; I promised to let the world know about Jeanson James Ancheta wizard, perhaps this 5 star review. Please note I wasn’t in any way paid to write this review.Contact him on email:( or WhatsApp number: +447529524472.

Salma Bohach
27 November 2023
Recovering Scammed Crypto; How Captain WebGenesis can help Reclaim Stolen Funds.

What to do If you are a victim of Crypto Scam?
Can you recover stolen or scammed Crypto?
Can you recover funds after a scam?

Crypto Investment Gone Wrong. How To Hire A Hacker To Get Back Stolen Crypto Coins // Hire A Hacker To Recover Lost Or Stolen Bitcoin/Nft // Help I Can't Access My USDT Account, Seems I Got Hacked // Bitcoin Recovery Expert Needed// Cryptocurrency Scam Recovery // Recover Lost Funds

Captain WebGenesis Recovery is a team of experienced professionals well versed with blockchain technology and forensic analysis enabling them play a huge role in helping scam victims reclaim their stolen funds back.

Visit ;

Manela Rios
26 November 2023
I was so frustrated when I lost my entire savings investing in cryptocurrency, I was contacted online by a lady through email pretending to be an account manager of a bank, who told me I could double my savings through cryptocurrency investment. I never imagined it was be a scam and I was going to lose everything. It went on for weeks until I realized that I had been scammed. All hope was lost, I was devastated and broke.  Fortunately, I came across an article on Reddit about HackProf, I contacted them and provided all the information regarding my case. I was amazed at how quickly they recovered my funds. Contact them on Hackingprofessional3 AT g m a i l d oot c o m