How to Build a Cryptocurrency Portfolio on a Student Budget 

  1. What is a Balanced Portfolio
  2. Getting Started on a Student Budget and Lifestyle
    - Create a Separate Email
    - Select a Wallet Type
    - Choose the Currency
    - Stick to your Budget
    - Use Automated Bots
  3. Conclusion

Being a student and saving, or making money for that matter, are two things that are not always synonymous. A lot of students take on part-time jobs along with their college education, but they don't always pay well and are usually not in their professional field anyway. So, what else can students do who want to start making money while they're in college? Investing in cryptocurrency is one option that is gaining popularity.

The problem that many students face when they think about how to build a cryptocurrency portfolio is the lack of money to invest. It also requires some studying to get familiar with this world. If you're a student and you need time to look for ways to earn cryptocurrency, then you can use an essay service based in the US to get your next class paper done. Having a quality essay writing service from which you can order a custom paper will allow you to free up some time to learn the basics of cryptocurrency as this research is vital if you want to make this kind of an investment.

Once you have placed an order for a professional writer to help out with your essay, you can start to invest your time into learning how to start cryptocurrency trading. There are different things you need to be careful of, like how to build a balanced cryptocurrency portfolio and how you can make some money on a student budget. 

What is a Balanced Portfolio

The first thing you should take care of is that your custom portfolio must not have only one currency in it. The ups and downs of cryptocurrency are very well known, so putting all your eggs in one basket is not a good idea. You should always try to diversify your portfolio by finding a small cryptocurrency to invest in first and then adding a few more based on their performance. This way, if one of the currencies starts to decline suddenly, you won't lose all your savings.

An ideal way to create a balanced portfolio is to have a mix of currencies that are low-risk and those that are high-risk. With a low-risk option that doesn't see too much improvement or decline in its value, your investment will be safer. With a high-risk option that has the potential to increase massively in value in one but can also fall flat, your investment is more at risk. That is why having a mix of these two types of products is a good way to start. 

Getting Started on a Student Budget and Lifestyle

The hardest part of the whole process for you may just end up being getting started with it. Students can often feel overwhelmed when they start thinking about how to build a cryptocurrency portfolio or what kinds of wallets for college students are the best. However, here are a few tips to help you out:

·   Create a Separate Email

The first thing you should do is to create a new email address that you will use only for trading purposes. This is simply to ensure maximum security of your personal data as well as of your money. 

·   Select a Wallet Type

There are pros and cons to all kinds of wallets, including software and paper ones. Software wallets are more convenient, but they can be unsafe since they are connected to the cloud and can be hacked. Paper wallets are much more secure, but they are inconvenient. For small amounts of money, a software wallet might be the better choice for its convenience. 

·   Choose the Currency

When you have taken the first two basic steps, you should start looking for which currencies you want to trade. As stated earlier, choosing a small cryptocurrency to invest in is a better idea to start because it'll help you understand the process without too much of a risk. Later on, you can start diversifying your portfolio to have more flexibility and higher returns.

·   Stick to your Budget

You should set aside a specific amount of money right from the start that you wish to use for trading. Don't bet on trading moves that seem risky and always play the safer hand. It is easy to get tempted to spend a lot of money when trading which can be very difficult for a student to come back from if it goes wrong. 

·   Use Automated Bots

And finally, consider using bots to do the trading for you. Automated bots that are very intelligent in what they do are a great choice for any trader who doesn't have the time or experience to take part in manual trading. These bots are one of the best ways to earn cryptocurrency profits for students with small budgets. 


As a student, learning how to start cryptocurrency trading from an early age can be very helpful in the long run. Not only will you be saving your money, but you will also be setting a foundation for a strong passive income stream that you can benefit a lot from overtime. It is always a good idea to take help from a professional service to help you trade, though, so you can focus on writing your school paper rather than worrying throughout college about trading.