Defining Crypto Staking and Best Staking Coins

Cryptocurrency has taken the world by storm. Bitcoin, the original cryptocurrency, is now accepted as payment by several major retailers, and countless other currencies have emerged to provide users more options. Crypto staking has emerged as one of the biggest and most popular ways to earn from cryptocurrency. 

In order to participate in staking, all you need is a wallet that supports it and coins that have been sitting untouched in your wallet (meaning not sent anywhere) for at least 60 hours before trying to stake. Staking usually takes place over much longer periods.

What is Crypto Staking?

Staking is a process of validating transactions and creating new blocks in a blockchain. Staking rewards are paid out in the cryptocurrency that you are staking, and it's usually an alternative to mining (which requires expensive equipment).

Staking is also known as proof-of-stake (PoS) or delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS), but those terms can be confusing since they refer to different things depending on how many people vote for delegates on any given platform. In this article we'll stick with "staking" because it refers specifically to earning interest on your holdings without having to do anything other than hold them!

How Does Crypto Staking Works?

When you're just starting out, the crypto world can feel like a confusing, chaotic place. Cryptocurrency isn't tied to any one currency, and its prices, including the LUNA price fluctuate daily.

Crypto staking is a process where you lock up your coins in an address, and then receive a reward for doing so. The reward is based on the length of time that your coins are locked up, and the number of coins that you are staking.

There are many different crypto currencies that have their own unique way of staking; however, we will be focusing on Proof of Stake (PoS) which is the most common and most popular method.

Proof-of-Stake was developed by Peercoin, and was then used by other cryptocurrencies. It is used to replace the use of Proof-of-Work (PoW). PoS does not require heavy computer power like PoW does, as it only verifies double-spends within a network using digital signatures. This saves energy as there is no need to solve complex cryptographic puzzles.

Trading-pair staking is a new method of staking that allows you to earn more rewards by diversifying your portfolio. It is the process of staking your coins on a trading pair they are not currently staked on. 

For example, if you hold 10,000 BTS and want to increase your returns, you can stake them on a non-BTS pair such as BTC/REP or ETH/USDT. Once the BTS has been staked in the new pair, the income will begin to accrue. This is a great way for investors who have limited capital to earn additional income from their portfolio.

Proof of Stake Validation

Proof of Stake Validation is a system that is used to validate transactions in a cryptocurrency network. Proof of Work validation, on the other hand, requires miners to solve complex mathematical problems in order to add new blocks to the blockchain.

Proof of Stake Validation has several advantages over Proof of Work Validation:

What Are The Benefits of Staking Crypto

While there are many benefits to staking, the most important one is that it's a passive income. You don't have to do anything and you'll still earn money from your investment. This makes staking coins perfect for people who want to get involved with cryptocurrency but don't have time or energy for mining or trading.

Another benefit of staking coins is that you can earn more than the amount of money you originally invested because of inflationary cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC). As more people buy into these currencies, their value will increase--and so will yours.The other less-obvious benefit of staking crypto is that it increases the value of said crypto. For example, if you stake 5% of a coin, then you are voting with your holdings, telling the world that your coins are worth 5% of the total market cap of that coin. As long as they remain active stakers, others will see this and it will strengthen the value of their holdings. 

What Are The Risks of Staking Crypto

When you stake crypto, there are a few things that can go wrong. First of all, there's the risk of losing your coins. If someone else takes control of your wallet or private keys and moves them to another address, then they will have access to all of your staking rewards. This is why it's important to keep track of where your coins are stored at all times--and not just because it could happen.

Second: if there's ever a hard fork (a permanent change in blockchain rules), then users who don't update their software may lose access to their funds altogether if they haven't updated yet--and this will happen even if the majority has updated correctly.Thirdly: sometimes exchanges don't allow users access their funds until after certain milestones have been reached within an asset's development cycle; for example, when Binance released its own cryptocurrency exchange token called BNB last year some people couldn't access theirs immediately due because they hadn't done enough trading yet so had zero balances available on which these fees would be charged against anyway.

Best Staking Coins

Here’s the list of top 5 staking cryptocurrencies:

Fight Out

Fight Out is a decentralized gaming platform that allows players to compete in single-elimination tournaments for real money. It's also airdropping tokens to the first 10,000 users who register on the platform.

When you sign up for Fight Out, you'll receive 10 FO tokens as a reward (the value of which will fluctuate depending on how many people use the app). You can then use these tokens to enter future tournaments or trade them for items such as clothing and accessories for your avatar. If you don't want to gamble with your freebies, there are other ways to earn rewards: by watching ads or completing surveys from sponsors such as Amazon Prime Video or Netflix.


C+Charge is a project that aims to address the issues that cryptocurrencies face, namely scalability and cost. They aim to do this by creating an ecosystem consisting of the C+Charge core chain, the C+Chain public chain, a side chain service layer, and the C+Pay application. With this system in place, C+Charge will be able to achieve 100,000 transactions per second (TPS) on their main chain with only 1 second block confirmations.


RobotEra is a game that generates money by playing games. The RobotEra team has created several games that can be played on the platform, and each has its own unique characteristics.

The first game that was released by RobotEra was called "Space Battleship Yamato." It's an old-school arcade shooter game where you control a spaceship and kill enemies in space while collecting coins along your way. The second game released by them is called "Robot Fight," which allows users to battle against other players online using their own customized robots!


Calvaria was launched in May 2018 as a fork of Dash (DASH). The coin uses an ASIC resistant algorithm called X16R which aims to provide an equal opportunity for all miners to mine the coins without having one particular miner gaining too much of the hashrate advantage over others. 

This makes it more decentralized than other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin which uses SHA-256 algorithm that allows ASIC miners which are expensive machines that only large companies can afford so they get most of the block rewards while small time miners don't get anything because their GPUs cannot compete against these machines in terms of hashing power required for mining bitcoins effectively enough for them to earn profits from doing so.

Battle Infinity

Battle Infinity is a cryptocurrency that has a staking feature. It is a proof of stake cryptocurrency and uses the X13 algorithm. The developers at Battle Infinity created this coin to help people earn extra income from their cryptocurrencies.

The best part about this coin is that it pays out dividends to its users every week. You can use these dividends to purchase more BIF coins or convert them into real money through exchanges like Binance and KuCoin.