Сайт: gigabuilder.io
Экспертное ревью
Aug 29, 2024

Block builders play a crucial role in the post-Merge Ethereum ecosystem. They assemble transactions and bundles of transactions from mempool in blocks correctly to provide validity and maximize validators' profits from gas fees and number and specifics of transactions in the block. 

However, 90% of all blocks are built by only two entities, Titan and Beaver block builders. Centralization of the Ethereum block building business threatens the entire network's security. New independent ("neutral") block builders emerge to tackle this problem, bring more diversity, and increase decentralization of block building. One of these unaffiliated block builders is Giga Builder.

Giga Builder is an unbiased block builder that doesn't prioritize transactions to facilitate private transactions on Ethereum. Giga Builder doesn't require Flashbots authentication. Giga Builder send bundles and private raw transactions, cancel a bundle to prevent it from appearing on-chain, and call bundle (simulate it against the specific block number). 

Who are Block Builders?

Block builders as a separate entity didn't exist before the introduction of the proposer-builder separation (PBS). PBS split the validator functions into block builders who assemble transactions and bundles in blocks and proposers who pick up the most profitable block from several valid blocks. Block builders compete with each other which is supposed to improve the block building efficiency and profitability.

Normally block builders prioritize transactions with high gas prices and small size (to gather more transactions into a single block), and prefer transactions associated with DeFi platforms, token snipes, and MEV transactions as they maximize profits. It’s understood that builders are also responsible for validity of transactions and data in the blocks. As builders have to bid for and buy the blockspace of validators, being a block builder is costly. It may cost over 15 ETH. 

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