278 компаний

With Binance Pool, Binance aims to establish a comprehensive platform for miners that will bring more possibilities to the mining industry by bridging traditional mining and financial services. By leveraging the benefits of an exchange platform, Binance Pool offers users lower fees and more comprehensive services to increase opportunities and enable miners to earn more. Binance Pool connects miners to Binance’s suite of financial products, including Binance Futures, Spot & Margin trading, Binance Lending, and Binance Staking.


BitPoolMining is a pool created by 4 software developers and miners who wanted more from a pool. With servers based on U.S.A, they are continually looking for ways to increase profitability for miners, add new features and add new tools. Listed as a 100% compatible pool with NiceHash, Bitpool offers real-time data, miner notifications and have a distributed infrastructure using high-end powerful servers.


Bitclub is a BTC and ETH pool established in October 2014 where users can mine for free but transaction fees from the block mined are kept by the pool. Bitclub allows users to mine directly to their Bitclub Debit Card.

Год основания:
2014 is a reference source for everything Bitcoin related. Where users can check news, get help on how buy bitcoins, choose a bitcoin wallet and more. You can also read the latest news, or engage with the community on the Bitcoin Forum. is known for being a supporter of Bitcoin Unlimited. Most recently, has opened its mining faction which features a pool that mines BU blocks and pays an extra reward to miners. also provides cloud mining contracts.


The service allows using the latest generation of Antminer on real mining farms. Online distribution of computing power enables users to connect to their mining pool. BitDeer receives a vote of confidence because it is a subsidiary of huge mining pools, which cooperates with such large exchanges as EXMO.


Bitfire is a mining pool focused on alternative Equihash coins like ZenCash and ZClassic. The pool has a 1% fee and a 0.01 ZEN and 0.01 ZCL minimum payout. Users are paid through a PPLNS payment system. The Bitfire pool also offers an additional Credit System.

The credit system can be seen as a ladder game where gains are rewarded to loyal miners. When minig on the mining pool you will gain 'credit' which will increase over time. From the moment the miner submits its first share to the pool credit will increase over time. Once there is a block found in the pool, the credits and time for each miner will be measured and the reward goes to the miner with the highest amount of credits.


BitforX offers its customers safe Cloud Mining services. Their Mining farm is located in Kutaisi, Georgia, Industrial Zone and it contains about 10,000 Miners. It also has a convenient and secure Bitcoin wallet, accessible worldwide on any device. Select the desired amount of hash power and generate revenue daily. Their goal is to contribute to the advancement of Bitcoin mining space and give an opportunity to people to access mining operations of the network to generate Bitcoin.


The Bitfury Group, or Bitfury, is a full-service blockchain technology company that develops software and hardware solutions. The company is headquartered in London, with additional offices in Amsterdam, Dubai, Hong Kong, Seoul, Tokyo, and Washington D.C.
The company has data center operations in Iceland, the Republic of Georgia, Canada, and Norway, which process and transmit bitcoin transactions.

United Kingdom

Bitmain является одним из ведущих поставщиков оборудования для майнинга с солидной репутацией за долговечные высококачественные продукты для майнинга оборудования от своих небольших USB-подключаемых устройств-отлично подходит для начинающих - до их серии S - которые неуклонно снижают энергопотребление и увеличивают GH/s.

Bitmain также перешла на контрактную арену майнинга со своим новым и простым в использовании программным пакетом hashnest. Вы можете купить напрямую у Bitmain и попросить их установить и управлять вашим оборудованием для майнинга или купить у них GH.

Hong Kong
Год основания:

BitMinter was launched on 26 June 2011 and it allows users to mine BTC for a 1% fee while sharing the transaction fees with miners. The coinbase signature for this pool is: "BitMinter"


BitPool is a cryptocurrency mining pool with dedicated servers in Europe. It allows users to mine BTCP, BTCZ, BZE, BTCP, CMM, ZEL, and more with a 0.4% fee. Each currency pool has its individual website info.


BITS2U INVERSIONES SAC is a registered company in Peru, dedicated to the Investment Sector and cryptocurrency cloud mining, in addition to having an RUC and a DUNS number, as well as an inscription in SUNAT and SUNARP. They provide an online platform, which they assure that will allow you to increase your investment, as well as various ways to earn Bitcoins, also obtaining 10% of all investments made by your referrals. In addition, they have a security system with PIN ánd password at the time for registering and entering the system.


Black Arrow Software has a range of products across the hardware space for crypto currencies. It's original push was for Bitcoin ASIC's with it's Minion Chip. It soon expanded into Litecoin ASICS with the Minion2 chip. Although its chip bundles are prohibitively expensive for most as they are large bulk orders - there are options to buy in smaller quantities.

The Company does produce a mining rig range - the Prospero X-1 and the Prospero X-3 - although pricing has to determined by contacting the Company.

Furthermore the Company has just introduced its own hardware wallet - the eWallet.


Blockware Solutions LLC services include hardware procurement, mining rig colocation, and professional mining and staking pool operations. Blockware offers access to an extensive network of commercial Data Center Facilities across North America who specialize in hosting and collocation services for Cryptocurrency mining hardware; providing clients access to low cost hosting rates (5,7-6.7c kWh), guaranteed up-time and 24/7 monitoring by experienced IT personnel.

BlokForge is a U.S. based online cryptocurrency supply store, where you can order hardware wallets, mining accessories, new/used miners, power supplies and video cards. Blokforge is, also, an Official Distributor of the Avalon 841 Bitcoin Miner for Canaan Creative.


The BoxyCoin Mining Pool features 0% Pool Fee and a 0.1 Minimum Payout with payouts Every 65 Seconds. Based in Asia, this pool is the Boxycoin Official Mining Pool.

Сайт: is a pool run by Bitmain, creators of Antpool and Antminer ASICS. charges a 1.5% fee and pays users through a PPS system. shares the transaction fees with miners. Old Users Still Mine with 0 Fee PPS in 2017.


Btconline-это веб-сайт для облачного майнинга. Компания зарегистрирована в Балтиморе, штат Мэриленд, США. Как и многие другие платформы облачного майнинга, он предлагает несколько планов на выбор, поэтому пользователи могут платить больше за больший хешрейт и больший ежедневный доход или платить небольшую сумму денег за меньшую мощность майнинга и меньшие ежедневные вознаграждения.

Чтобы гарантировать потенциальным пользователям, что операция является законной, Btconline отображает выплаты (вознаграждения) своим клиентам прямо на главной странице веб-сайта. Любой посетитель может нажать на BTC-адрес или хэш транзакции и убедиться, что вознаграждение выплачено. Однако эта функция не спасает Btconline от красных флагов и обвинений в мошенничестве. По ряду причин многие люди, включая сотрудников MetaMask, считают btconline мошенничеством.

Год основания:

BTCProMiner заявлен как майнинг-пул для майнинга биткойнов с центрами обработки данных, расположенными по всей Европе, США и Китаю. На веб-сайте утверждается, что сервис работает безотказно 99% процентов времени. Приведенный ниже обзор раскрывает реальную специфику работы BTCProMiner - с этим проектом все далеко не так гладно. 


BTCSweet - британская компания облачного майнинга, основанная в 2017 году. BTCSweet не взимает плату за обслуживание. Контракты являются «пожизненными» (это означает, что контракт не определен и заканчивается, когда выбранный план добычи становится убыточным). Платформа принимает платежи в биткойнах или через Payeer, Perfect Money или PayPal.

United Kingdom
Год основания: