Год основания: 2019
Экспертное ревью
Sep 22, 2020

Established in 2019, Cryptoknowmics has emerged as one of a kind decentralized media portal, a crypto news feed, which closely monitors every aspect of the cryptocurrency universe. As a responsible service provider of cryptocurrency news, we aim to be the biggest media platform in the crypto niche and serve our users with the latest updates and information in the crypto domain. The content strategy of our platform reflects real innovation, which focuses on our day-to-day responsibilities toward our readership. It comprises of informed editorials on regulations, peer group analysis, and insights from industry veterans. We focus on building an ecosystem that can cater to the needs of newcomers as well as veterans. For example, anyone who is new to the cryptocurrency and blockchain space and is looking for resources to understand why everyone is talking about can go through our Thoroughly explained topics which have been developed keeping in mind the needs of newcomers. Easy to understand guides on how to use different crypto exchanges, crypto wallets, and other services in the decentralized space. Blockchain certification courses. For traders and veterans of the space, we offer the latest news, fund movements, research pieces on trending topics, coin analysis, token reports opinion pieces. We also list the latest IEOs, airdrops, and events of the decentralized space so that anyone looking for anything related to the decentralized space can find it on a single platform.

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Harry Thomas 22 January 2021

Best source for updated Crypto News.

Год основания: 2019
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