Сайт: polkaswap.io
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Grade points: 0.00
Экспертное ревью
Dec 02, 2021

The DEX for the Interoperable Future.
Cross-chain exchange of assets, simple creation and listing of new assets, and the easiest swaps ever.

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Adem Roman 29 January 2022

It's nice that the platform has chosen a course for a better future for cryptos. This is a significant shift compared to other exchanges. I can profitably and quickly move advanced incorporates gainfully and quickly beginning with one chain then onto the following

Сайт: polkaswap.io
Мобильное приложение: -
Grade points: 0.00
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Криптовалютная биржа AltMarkets
BITStorage Finance was lauched in 2018.The Company is headquartered on Seychelles.