Bitkub-ведущая криптовалютная цифровая биржа в Таиланде. Он был создан в начале 2018 года. Bitkub относится к целостности, клиентам, эффективности и инновациям как к своим главным ценностям.
Комиссия взимается за каждую сделку и составляет 0,25%. Вы можете ознакомиться с комиссиями за ввод и вывод средств, а также финансовыми условиями на веб-сайте компании. Чтобы пройти проверку личности уровня 1, человек должен быть старше 20 лет и иметь нулевую судимость.
В качестве мер безопасности Bitkub применяет автономное холодное хранение и полное шифрование данных.
Дополнительные преимущества для пользователей этой биржи включают кэшбэк и реферальные программы.
They do not accept US citizens at all. You can open an account, but don't allow KYC, so you can't trade at all. When attempting KYC Level 1, Americans are told to download, print, fill out, scan and return IRS form W-9 (proof of taxpayer ID number), but Customer Service says they accept no Americans now.
As far as I can figure, Bitkub trades one or more altcoins not yet registered with the US SEC, and their app has no way to block Americans from them.
Customer service was unable to explain this further, to identify a "non-registered token" or to explain why KYC normally takes 30 days.
I see that even Thais have to show they have no criminal record. All these requirements to reveal personal data go against the spirit of crypto. AVOID THEM.
Satang Pro is a much more professional and friendly service. They trade about 20 coins, and you can always take USDT or ETH to another exchange for the really exotic stuff.
Have been signed up many months but company seems to misunderstand. .. Unable verify and link my Thai bank accounts. although I have Thai address and Thai drivers licensee for 15 years.
Sometimes the website is experienced the blackouts. It's just turned off. But apart from that one don't see any night issue
User friendly reliable and has the hightest volume in Thailand. This is my one of favourite trading platform, doing arbitrage and stuff. 24/7 support. Definitely worth a try.
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