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DigitalNote - Обзор и Отзывы Пользователей

Экспертное ревью
Jul 28, 2020

DigitalNote is an open-source blockchain relying on the Proof-of-Work/Proof-of-Stake hybrid protocol. The cryptocurrency associated with the network is XDN. The XDN Masternode Network is built on top of this protocol. The main features of this platform are high-speed untraceable transactions and secure private peer-to-peer communication channels. In order to send an instant transaction, one needs to use the InstantTX function which executes the instant XDN-transactions immediately via the Masternode Network. The messaging service is censorship- and tracing-resistant. The messages get decrypted locally on the receiver's device and nowhere else. The security of the network is achieved via the VRX v3.0 technology that protects the platform from 51% attacks. The DigitalNote wallet is mobile-ready and doesn't consume much resources so it's comfortable for people making transactions on the go.

The community members participating in mining and staking get compensation in the network fee payouts. The DigitalNote community is responsible for the smooth block generation and is encouraged to make contributions to the ecosystem in exchange for rewards. DigitalNote is awesome in terms of mining as the network is ASIC-resistant. DigitalNote strives to achieve the fairest distribution of the block rewards in their community. The community has a high significance for the project as the initial anonymous creator of DigitalNote has dropped her/his participation in the development in 2017. Since that moment, the project entirely depends on protocols and the community. Currently, the company is developing its exchange platform and mobile wallets. 

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Отзывы пользователей
Martin Alekseevich 24 September 2020

Good platform

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