Avaliação Especializada
Feb 23, 2021

Premiumkoins is a long term high yield private loan program, backed up by Forex market trading and investing in various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term.

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Ingvar 9 May 2021

Scam company. Kick you out from chat. Money is gone. Email and Telephone support do not work.

Gary 28 March 2021

Be very weary of this site, it is fake as can be. It will lure you in by stating they pay on a daily interest on your investments. When you try to take funds out you will find the the withdrawal function does not work, When you tell them of this they blame you for the function not working. They will send you very arrogant emails telling you this. The live chat forget it, as it's not very professional. When you have accumilated enough funds in your wallet from your investments, they will not allow you to use them. They will ask you to fund your account with your money from your account then invest. Stay away at all costs, otherwise you will lose your money.
They are also linked to Mintonblock which is another scam site.
Blockchain has already red flagged Premiumkoins. Here's what was sent to me by email. is a scam site. I can see on their website they claim that they have a partnership with us, Blockchain, however this is not true. It is very common for these types of scam companies to pay out returns in the early stages to entice people to deposit more funds.

Hunter 23 February 2021

In some browsers, the "learn more" button doesn't work. Please correct!

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