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Revisão da AirSwap 2021 - É Seguro?

País: USA
Lançado: 2018
Volume: $ 5,540.0
Pares: 2
Aplicativo móvel: iOS, Android
Grade points: 0.00
Avaliação Especializada
May 29, 2020

A AirSwap é uma bolsa de criptomoeda descentralizada baseada nos EUA. A troca foi lançada em 2017. O volume relatado é de cerca de 4, 5-5 mln. $. A bolsa oferece troca peer-to-peer e tem 3 pares de negociação disponíveis e 6 moedas. Os depósitos são gratuitos na troca. A AirSwap não tem opção de depósitos Fiat. A opção de negociação de margens não está disponível na bolsa. A vantagem competitiva da plataforma é a ausência da taxa de negociação. A AirSwap iniciou seu próprio protocolo de Swap tentando evitar a taxa na plataforma. O protocolo de Troca está a trabalhar com os contratos smart no bloco Ethereum para fazer encomendas. As outras operações são tratadas fora da cadeia. Além disso, a troca não cobra taxas de retirada também. Air swap não exige verificação; os comerciantes são capazes de obter a plataforma totalmente operacional sem dar qualquer id ou alguns outros documentos. A troca tem apenas a versão desktop disponível.

Nossa pontuação
Functionality 4 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Support 4 / 5
Fees 4 / 5
Nossa pontuação
4 / 5
Pros and Cons
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Avaliação do usuário
Elija 29 September 2019

i was really surprised when I understood that there is no fee for the withdrawals. That’s cool. It would be fantastic if they decrease the time of transactions. It will be the best exchange ever.

Jahn 27 September 2019

I was trying to make a transaction between my funds but I got the error. I don’t know what it means. But the support has no idea either. So, I haven’t done any operations here yet and even the support can’t help. They told me to change the browser or use the incognito mode but I have the same problem my operation just disappear. That’s strange and I can’t use this exchange then.

21 June 2020
I know you already said you tried different browsers, just make sure you have tried FireFox, I have found that to be the most stable for interactions with DEXs. Obviously try the standard "turn your computer off and back on". Also be patient when dealing with DEXs, depending on the ETH network congestion, you may have to wait a while for transactions to go through. It would have been helpful if you had stated the error in your post.
Salid 26 September 2019

I was looking for some exchange with the low fee and with no exhausted verification. I think airswap is the good one. I’ve been here not so long but I don’t see the reasons for the criticism.

Volff 25 September 2019

I hope airswap will go on developing and expanding. I am fond of the website and visual solution of it. These guys have his own vision of the decentralization system and it really makes this exchange a good place to trade

Paul 25 September 2019

i was really surprised when I understood that there is no fee for the withdrawals. That’s cool. It would be fantastic if they decrease the time of transactions. It will be the best exchange ever.

País: USA
Lançado: 2018
Volume: $ 5,540.0
Pares: 2
Aplicativo móvel: iOS, Android
Grade points: 0.00
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