País: International
Lançado: 2019
Avaliação Especializada
Dec 29, 2020

BILLCRYPT is a multifunctional Blockchain integration system of representative offices of companies, professional communities, specialists and products. Blockchain representation (BR) is created by users in the form of decentralized applications (DApp) on the blockchain with a comfortable interface. On the basis of the platform, an interblockchain infrastructure of technological and economic properties is being built, uniting blockchain projects and projects of the real sector.

Such a single comfortable environment will allow everyone to create their own BR, forming a unified system of guaranteed trust.This will lead to the development of any business to a new unprecedented level.

Investment properties embedded in the system will allow you to most effectively develop your business, establish profitable partnerships and promote each other economically. Due to the synergy effect, receive multifold benefits.

For investors, this will be the most understandable and illustrative structure, which allows, by looking at the Virtual Image (Virtual image Part - ViP), to quickly and reliably evaluate the represented businesses, and make profitable investment decisions. For ordinary users, this will be the easiest and most reliable way to select specialists, services, products.

For the effective functioning of the entire potential of the platform and the investment ecosystem, a universal digital asset of a new generation has been created - the Evolutionary BILLCRYPT Token of the ERC-20 standard on the Ethereum blockchain.

It`s simultaneously:

  • digital asset value storage,
  • a privileged club card that provides access to Blockchain representative offices and project functions,
  • a kind of ticket to enter the closed pre-sales of the system’s projects,
  • internal digital currency to pay for the functions of the Blockchain representative offices for which you can also acquire new crypto assets in the form of tokens of other projects. Each such token, in turn, also gives significant privileges to holders and users and increases their welfare.

The constant development of the platform, the growing popularity of Blockchain representative offices, the increasing demand for tokens, provide Billcrypt with evolutionary properties and make it an indispensable financial tool.

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País: International
Lançado: 2019
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