국가: International
출시 시간 2019
웹사이트 www.mycointainer.com
전문가 리뷰
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Mar 05, 2021

MyCointainer is one of the major crypto staking platforms found all throughout the crypto world. Aldo, MyCointainer is online automatic staking and master node staking platform. This means the platform will generate profit for you in the form of 'stakes'. Established in 2018 in Tallin, Estonia. Since its inception, the platform has gathered over 60,000 users who actively appreciate the value of the proof-of-stake consensus by getting staking rewards from multiple crypto assets at once with an additional benefit of compounding interests.

It works very simply:
  • Purchase or transfer coins to start earning money you will need an asset of your choice. Then you simply transfer it you MyCointainer’s staking wallet.
  • Keep coins in MyCointainer. MyCointainer will utilize the power of blockchain (Proof of Stake + Masternodes) to generate stable profits for you.
  • Enjoy your regular profits. Get notified when profits are generated. Now it’s time to enjoy your life and finally let your money work for you.
우리 평가
Security 4 / 5
Support 4 / 5
Ease of use 4 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Fees 4 / 5
우리 평가
4 / 5
Pros and Cons

-사용하기 쉬운


-유명하지 않음

리뷰를 쓰기
평가해 주십시오
귀하의 리뷰

MyCointainer에 대한 리뷰를 써 주십시오. 제품을 선택할 때 사용자의 피드백이 매우 중요할 수 있으므로 부정확하거나 부당한 비판을 피하도록 하십시오.


이메일은 게시되지 않습니다.

사용자의 리뷰
Lane 20 January 2022

Mycointainer is a scam. All the positive reviews you see are fake. Anyone who promotes it is also a scammer

CryptoGuy 16 August 2021

I have used MyCointainer throughout 2021 for staking rewards which are very generous. Best part about the company is their customer service. Their service is unmatched in the crypto space! I contacted them on multiple occasions this year, and every single time I receive a response in under 24 hrs, and they have always been very kind and helpful. They are a very trustworthy site that I look forward to continue using!

Thank you MyCointainer Team!!!

Tom 12 March 2021

Very interesting project that will allow you to learn about a new cryptocurrency and how to duplicate it, also make money from it. They offer different types of airdropping and staking, I highly recommend it, so let's join now, it's interesting from the rest

Anon 8 March 2021

blocked me from my own account and stopped replying to e-mails. I think thieves! Buggy and unreliable site and plenty of discrepancies in the accounting

국가: International
출시 시간 2019
웹사이트 www.mycointainer.com
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