Ginco 는 스마트 폰에서 저렴한 수수료로 안전하게 cryptocurrencies 를 관리하고 자금을 보내고받을 수있는 차세대 cryptocurrency 지갑입니다. Bitcoin,Bitcoin Cash,Ethereum 및 ERC-20 은 현재 호환되며 더 많은 것들이 곧 출시 될 예정입니다.
Indiesquare crypto wallet allows transacting various tokens and is based on the built-in DApp browser. Private keys are stored on the user’s smartphones and do not leave the app.
mSigna Wallet is no longer offered. The wallet was designed by the software company Ciphrex in the time of crypto rush in 2017. The developer’s Twitter media had not published any updates since mid-2017.