국가: Sweden
출시 시간 2020
웹사이트 crypto4winners.com
전문가 리뷰
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Oct 20, 2020

About Crypto4Winners

Since 2019, Crypto4Winners is an online platform actively managing your BTC, ETH, USDT and USDC to provide you a regular passive income by growing your crypto. 

Based in Sweden, the platform is also a member of Crypto Valley, Zug in Switzerland. 

Crypto4Winners is targeting individual or entity holding a crypto wallet that believe in a long-term appreciation of crypto market, don’t have time to manage their crypto assets, want to accumulate more crypto in trusty and transparent way.


Bitcoin Pool

Bitcoin Pool was the first pool launched in July 2019.

The minimum investment in the Pool is 0.2 BTC

The investment objective of the BTC Pool is to achieve capital appreciation (BTC) and maximize absolute returns by investing directly in BTC.

The BTC Pool investment policy is essentially towards the medium to long term.

BTC Pool will have exposure to BTC in a practical and balanced way through the following strategies:

  • Holding in cold storage (Long exposure, medium and long term);
  • Trading (Algorithmic trading, Trading intraday, Scalping, AI Trading).

Ethereum Pool

ETH Pool has been launched in April 2021 with the same characteristics as BTC Pool.

The minimum investment in the Pool is 2.0 ETH

The investment objective of the ETH Pool is to achieve capital appreciation (ETH) and maximize absolute returns by investing directly in ETH.

The ETH Pool investment policy is essentially towards the medium to long term.

ETH Pool will have exposure to ETH in a practicable and balanced way through the following strategies:

  • Holding in cold storage (Long exposure, medium and long term);
  • Trading (Algorithmic trading, Trading intraday, Scalping, AI Trading).

Global Crypto Pool

The minimum investment in the Pool is 10,000.00 USDT/USDC

The investment objective of the Global Crypto Pool is to achieve capital appreciation (USDT & USDC) and maximize absolute returns by investing directly in USDT & USDC through multi-strategies.

The Global Crypto Pool investment policy is essentially towards the medium to long term.

To ensure we fully capture the investable crypto-asset, we may also invest crypto in each strategy depending on the available market opportunities:

  • Holding in cold storage (Long exposure, medium and long term);
  • Trading (Algorithmic trading, Trading intraday, Scalping, AI Trading).
  • Staking;
  • Lending;
  • Mining Pools.

Traded coins & tokens are all officially quoted on Coinmarketcap.

As part of our diversification strategy, our current holdings are:

  • USDT (50%)
  • USDC (40%)
  • Diversified staking (10%)

Website and Help Center 

The website to register on the platform can be accessed at www.crypto4winners.com, and the Help Center can be found at https://crypto4winners.com/support.php. It is suggested that you visit the Help Center for any assistance related to the platform.

우리 평가
Security 4 / 5
Support 4 / 5
Ease of use 5 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Fees 4 / 5
우리 평가
4.2 / 5
Pros and Cons

-사용하기 쉬운
-사용자 친화적 인


-낮은 인기

리뷰를 쓰기
평가해 주십시오
귀하의 리뷰

Crypto4Winners에 대한 리뷰를 써 주십시오. 제품을 선택할 때 사용자의 피드백이 매우 중요할 수 있으므로 부정확하거나 부당한 비판을 피하도록 하십시오.


이메일은 게시되지 않습니다.

사용자의 리뷰
Jean-Pascal 19 April 2022

Je confirme, après bientôt un an d'expérience pour ma part, le service est top et le rendement de C4W est imbattable, je n'ai pas trouvé mieux.
Je vous accompagne comme parrain avec plaisir... ;-)

Lea C4W
18 May 2022
Nous sommes ravis de lire que vous êtes satisfait à la fois du service et de nos prestations! A très vite!
Wilk 28 March 2022

Super investissement. Magnifique rendement une équipe très pro . Au top rien à redire

Léa Gobert
11 April 2022
Merci pour ce commentaire Wilk! Nous sommes ravis que vous soyez satisfait de la plateforme! Très bonne journée! Léa , C4W
Guigui 19 March 2022

Crypto 4 Winners est très sérieux, tous leurs agréments officiels sont publiés et la performance du fond Crypto 4 Winners est très intéressante. L'application pour se connecter est simple, pratique et efficace. Ils sont facilement joignables en français et réactifs.
Cet ensemble satisfaisant explique pourquoi j'ai mis 5 étoiles !

Léa Gobert
11 April 2022
Merci pour ces 5 étoiles Guigui! Très bonne journée, Léa - C4W
FeFe 19 March 2022

Très bon fond de gestion en crypto. J'ai investis 6 éthers. J'en ai gagné 3 en 6 mois. Le retrait se fait en 24 h. Aucun soucis.

Léa C4W
11 April 2022
Top! Merci pour ce positif feedback!
Léa C4W
Maxou 19 March 2022

C4w est l'un des rares fond de gestion crypto des plus sérieux. Ils ont une licence de trading officielle. Les conditions de retraits sont claires et vous avez la possibilité de tout retirer si vous le souhaitez. Le site fonctionne bien. Le rendement est entre 5 et 7 % par mois sur du btc ou ether. Ils ont également sorti un fond usdt qui est vraiment bien. Je suis dans le fond depuis juillet 2021. Vraiment satisfait. Je recommande

Léa C4W
11 April 2022
Merci pour ce commentaire Maxou! Nous sommes ravis que la plateforme réponde à vos attentes. Excellente journée! Léa - C4W
국가: Sweden
출시 시간 2020
웹사이트 crypto4winners.com
비슷한 사업
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