웹사이트 bandprotocol.com
전문가 리뷰
Oct 22, 2020

Band Protocol is a cross-chain data oracle network that aggregates and connects real-world data and APIs to smart contracts. Blockchains enable immutable storage and deterministic, verifiable computations — however, they cannot securely access data available outside the blockchain networks.

Band Protocol enables smart contract applications such as DeFi, prediction markets, and games to be built on-chain without relying on the single point of failure of a centralized oracle.

BandChain describes itself as a high-performant independent blockchain built specifically for oracle computations including settlement, data sourcing, and aggregation that is secured by delegated proof-of-stake. Developers can create a fully customizable oracle script on BandChain which specifies data sources and APIs to connect to, aggregation methods and security parameters. The creation of scripts is permissionless, allowing for quick iterations and extensive support for any type of data. Decentralized oracle is a key infrastructure to enable decentralized finance and other decentralized applications to operate in the most trustless way possible.

With all oracle computations offloaded to BandChain, smart contracts on any destination blockchain can use Band Protocol to query data on-demand and receive a real-time update. Oracle data queries take between 4-6 seconds by ‘batching’ transactions with data information to enable instant settlement and also protect end-users from consuming delayed data.

Band Protocol is backed by Sequoia Capital and Binance.

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웹사이트 bandprotocol.com
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