웹사이트 aryacoin.io
전문가 리뷰
Mar 25, 2022

Aryacoin is simillar to other cryptocurrencies in many aspects but is far more different than any in functioning.

One of the main goals of Aryacoin is to be as transparent and as decentralized as possible to do this Aryacoin is moving towards becoming one of the few really decentralized DAO’s out there.

Being a DAO allows AYA to function without a central identitiy or any single entity holding a majority of power over the coin. All decisions will be taken through community voting which woould allow any DAO member to vote and any DAO member to start. This would enable rapid development and quick decision making over time.

Most blockchains allow block generation through Proof Of Stake , allow creation of Smart Contracts and on chain storage and decentralized code execution.

Aryacoin while being close the core specifications set by Bitcoin, operates on PoW as well but supports Scrypt Algorithm for low energy consumption mining and along with Komodo’s Delayed Proof of Work (DPoW) , DPoW allows using chains like Litecoin to keep Aryacoin secure even with very low hash rates. This allows Aryacoin to be energy efficient in the long run than any other coin.

Unlike all other blockchains, Aryacoin is just not on its native chain , but has gone cross chain. Currently users can swap between Wrapped Aryacoin on other blockchains like Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain (more to come).

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사용자의 리뷰
Emmanuell3 20 July 2022

They have a pretty interesting Consensus mechanism - Komodo's DPOW. I like their iteration of the old-school Bitcoin-type philosophy. Not a frontrunner material, but a solid currency for sure.

웹사이트 aryacoin.io
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