웹사이트 anoncrypto.io
전문가 리뷰
Mar 09, 2022

Launched in September 2018, ANON (a.k.a. Anonymous) describes itself as a cryptocurrency with privacy and masternode features that aims to build upon Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency technologies. The team includes Jake Greenbaum (Jake the CryptoKing) as its founder and advisors such as Steven Nerayoff, Eli Blatt, and Ran Neu-Ner. Similar to cash, ANON reportedly allows the payer and payee to remain anonymous while transacting - Users can selectively anonymize transactions that are made over the network using zk-SNARKs.

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평가해 주십시오
귀하의 리뷰

ANON (ANON)에 대한 리뷰를 써 주십시오. 제품을 선택할 때 사용자의 피드백이 매우 중요할 수 있으므로 부정확하거나 부당한 비판을 피하도록 하십시오.


이메일은 게시되지 않습니다.

사용자의 리뷰
Samuel 21 June 2022

Liquidity is almost 0. The coin has no future.

웹사이트 anoncrypto.io
비슷한 코인
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