Sito web:
Security: Third Party
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Easy
Features: Hierarchical Deterministic, 2 Factor Authentication, Multi-Signature
Platforms: Android, iOS
ValidationType: Centralized
Recensioni pubblicate da esperti
Sep 24, 2020

ZebraWallet is a decentralized multi-chain cryptocurrency mobile App. It supports public chains such as BTC, ETH, BCH, EOS, LTC, and XRP. It is designed to provide a wallet application for the average user to manage their digital assets. It provides users with security features that include mnemonics functionality and multi-private keys to access the wallet.

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Recensioni degli utenti
Sam 24 February 2023

Zebra wallet has a user-friendly interface for storing digital assets. 5/5

Kate 22 June 2021

Quite a good wallet. Using it for hodling small ammounts.

Sito web:
Security: Third Party
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Easy
Features: Hierarchical Deterministic, 2 Factor Authentication, Multi-Signature
Platforms: Android, iOS
ValidationType: Centralized
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