Località: International
Lancio: 2019
Sito web:
Recensioni pubblicate da esperti
Aug 17, 2020

GetBlock is a service that provides a fee-free connection to blockchain nodes of the most popular cryptocurrencies. GetBlock supports such tools like JSON-RPC, REST, and WebSockets, which facilitates direct synchronization with the blockchain. Users can immediately connect the app to a blockchain, as GetBlock relieves you from running a node yourself. The platform allows its customers to stay focused on their projects and development, it needs not more than a few clicks to connect one or merge several nodes in one place. This service is suitable for young entrepreneurs and beginners, as well as for crypto developers and blockchain users, for all those who have neither time nor resources to run their own full node. At the moment, GetBlock offers nodes of more than 20 cryptos, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Monero (XMR), and Litecoin (LTC).

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Recensioni degli utenti
rotciv 5 January 2022

Good nodes, I want my NFT

無二十 5 January 2022

This is a pretty good program

M.S 5 January 2022

I have used GetBlock for my crypto exchange blockchain nodes, it's very stable and interesting, help me from test setup to production.

ralf 3 January 2022

my experience is pretty good so far nothing wrong about the app and its super easy to use

Arsham Abbasi 3 January 2022

Also services, it makes it very simple to create a shared node. Make our job as a developer a lot easier with great scaling slutions.

Località: International
Lancio: 2019
Sito web:
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