I am a financial journalist with 10 years of experience. Worked for many web publications. I have a Master's degree in political science. I've become especially interested in cryptocurrencies since 2017.
Aug 18, 2020
Update 22.12.2020: The pool is closed, the site is down.
Aurora Pool is an Ethereum mining pool where users can mine Ether (ETH) with 0.7% fee and through a Prop payment system. Aurora's minimum payout is 0.05 ETH.
Founded in 2013, CoinMiner specializes in mining and mining equipment. Through CoinMiners, individuals and businesses alike can purchase and set up mining and e-commerce-related activities.
Cryptofriends is a cryptocurrency mining pool where users can mine AEON, Leviarcoin (XLC), Monero (XMR), and Karbowanec (KRB) for a 0.1% fee and through a Prop payment system. The minimum payout is 0.1 AEON, 1 XLC, 0.1 XMR, and 0.5 KRB.
DutchMining è un pool minerario di ether in Europa dove gli utenti possono estrarre ETH per una commissione dello 0,25% e attraverso un sistema di pagamento Prop. Il pool condivide sempre le commissioni di transazione con i minatori ed elabora i pagamenti a una soglia minima di 0,2 ETH.