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Recensioni pubblicate da esperti
Aug 11, 2020

1ds CryptoPool is a cryptocurrency mining pool in which users can mine LTC, HOLD, CPN, COPPER, LCP, EMD, WDC, GAME, SXC, 888, XGOX, NLG, CAT, QTL, NOTE, NYAN, RUP, BENJI, LINX, CMPCO, SPT, BELA, XMCC, and LEAF. 1ds CryptoPool runs through a PPS payment system. The minimum payout is 0.5, or 0.05 on Sunday and it is paid in the mined currency. The average fee is 1%.

La nostra valutazione
Ease of use 1 / 5
Security 1 / 5
Fees 1 / 5
Reputation 1 / 5
La nostra valutazione
1 / 5
Pros and Cons
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Recensioni degli utenti
Salmon 10 January 2021

I did something wrong when I registered here. I got only bad words.

Ethan Avril
15 December 2023
Maria Renee, God I'll keep blessing you , I got my withdrawal yesterday. bitcoin trader is still the very best platform I have experience myself, because they are very reliable and legit too, I invested $1000 to earn $12,500……everything was so easy than I thought, I kindly recommend Maria Renee, you're the best trader I can recommended for anyone who wants to invest and trade with a genuine trader.. If you have interest kindly contact her via. Email:
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I love you all.
God bless you.
29 September 2023
Big FRAUD - Please do NOT invest - READ review
I request whoever reading this review to please NOT to invest here. This is a big fraud.

* They talk nicely before investing`
* There is not withdrawal option please note this. You need take approval from these. Scam people which will never happen
If you insist for withdrawal they will advice to open a deal against the market trends and you will lose all you funds in one deal. marketpeace, net help me recover my funds from them.
Olsen 27 December 2020

Bad site. Never use it.

Martin Alekseevich 22 December 2020

Pool is closed, it has AIDS

Centini 28 November 2020

I doubt that it's got this big variety of coins. Is there any need for that? I'm quite all right with BTC.

Okjeteps 14 October 2020

I see it works and it's got a good rate. I feel ok

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