Sito web:
Betting limits: Minimum cash out: none Maximum cash out: mBTC 50 Minimum deposit: mBTC 10 Maximum deposit: mBTC 5000
Fees: In consideration of the provision of the games service, the account management and the solicitation of the players on the games website, the company may retain a fee (called “Rake”), calculated as a percentage of the amounts wagered by the players. A sliding scale applies and is calculated in correspondence with the amounts wagered. The applicable percentage is set out in the help section of the respective game.
Recensioni pubblicate da esperti
Jul 18, 2020

AdmiralSpot is an online casino dealing with a wide range of currencies and payment systems, such as bitcoin and other cryptocurencies. It was found in 2017.

The euro (EU) is the main currency at AdmiralSpot, but they also accommodate PLN, USD, GBP as well as bitcoin. The casino welcomes bitcoin players from around the world, and it is working in 11 languages.


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Recensioni degli utenti
Velki 14 February 2021

It's been a month, I won zero. Total nothing.

Casey 2 January 2021

I had a hilarious experience. The
I deposit money, I was ready to gamble. But all of sudden, my account was suspended. They just want to stole my money or what, I don't get that move.

Goblin 10 December 2020

They tricked and take my money without the permission. I dissatisfied

Anya 5 December 2020

I used EURO, but then I see that it's no longer accepted, what's happened?

Karaok 21 September 2020

The crypto option is cool, but sometimes it could a long time to see money in the account.

Sito web:
Betting limits: Minimum cash out: none Maximum cash out: mBTC 50 Minimum deposit: mBTC 10 Maximum deposit: mBTC 5000
Fees: In consideration of the provision of the games service, the account management and the solicitation of the players on the games website, the company may retain a fee (called “Rake”), calculated as a percentage of the amounts wagered by the players. A sliding scale applies and is calculated in correspondence with the amounts wagered. The applicable percentage is set out in the help section of the respective game.
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