Località: Singapore
Lancio: 2018
Sito web:
Volume: $ 55,811,473.0
coppie: 45
App mobile: iOS, Android
Grade points: 0.00
Recensioni pubblicate da esperti
May 30, 2020

Coinlim fornisce l'accesso ai mercati BTC, ETH, USDT per il trading. La società è stata costituita da HONG KONG RISE SUCCESS INVESTMENT LTD con particolare attenzione al mercato cinese.

La piattaforma di scambio Coinlim è supportata su client iOS e Android. I token di utilità della piattaforma sono stati lanciati come token Coinlim (CLT).

Di tanto in tanto, Coinlim organizza gare di trading.

Un progetto di token può richiedere la quotazione compilando un modulo speciale sul sito Web. Le informazioni sui nuovi elenchi vengono regolarmente pubblicate sui canali multimediali dell'azienda.

La nostra valutazione
Functionality 4 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Support 3 / 5
Fees 3 / 5
La nostra valutazione
3.6 / 5
Pros and Cons
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Lascia una recensione su Coinlim qui. Tieni presente che il tuo feedback può essere cruciale per l'utente quando sceglie un prodotto, quindi cerca di evitare inesattezze e critiche irragionevoli.

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Recensioni degli utenti
Kevin 26 July 2022

Coinlim is a great platform. It was my friend who introduced me to invest here. I used the crypto wallet as a springboard to transfer cryptocurrencies to Coinlim Crypto exchange for short-term investment and profit, which can avoid HMRC inspection and huge tax. And Coinlim's deposits and withdrawals are so easy and quick that I will always support it

Duncan 26 July 2022

I encountered the same situation as you. I was very confused and skeptical at first. Later, I followed her to make cryptocurrency with the attitude of giving it a try. I am very glad that I made this decision, because I did earn money with her. I have bought a lot of money. At present, I have a new car, and I plan to buy a house. The money is already in my bank account. I am very fortunate, so I can only know the truth after I experience it myself.

Mark 26 July 2022

Coinlim is a very good exchange, I also get some profits from Coinlim, I hope the exchange can do better, so that it will attract more customers, and I will recommend it to my friends

Pet 26 July 2022

I don't understand why anyone would
maliciously slander Coinlim. Is it
competition between industries? I have
been using Coinlim for almost two years
and have been using it without any
problems, I think I will continue to use it in
the future,only after you try it yourself will
you understand

Hassan 26 July 2022

Coinlim has been online for four years, and I've been using it for three years. When I first started using it, I had a similar problem in withdrawing money. But when I did what the customer service said, I withdrew all my money, and I'm still using it, which is trustworthy.

Località: Singapore
Lancio: 2018
Sito web:
Volume: $ 55,811,473.0
coppie: 45
App mobile: iOS, Android
Grade points: 0.00
Confrontare con
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Bithumb è uno scambio di criptovaluta con sede a Seoul, in Corea del Sud. La piattaforma è stata fondata nel 2013. Consente agli utenti di acquistare, vendere e archiviare varie criptovalute. In Corea del Sud, Bithumb è uno dei più grandi scambi e vanta alcuni dei più grandi volumi di criptovaluta.

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