Recensione di ChaoEX 2021 - Lo scambio è chiuso!

Località: Hong Kong
Lancio: 2017
Sito web:
Volume: $ 199,792,002.0
coppie: 71
App mobile: iOS, Android
Full address: Unknown
Fees: Trading Fees: All users:0.1% trading fee. Two - way charge:buy 0.1%+ sell 0.1%(deduct from the received asset).

Deposit Fees: Free.

To access the CHAOEX full detailed fee structure, please visit
Fees: Trading Fees: All users:0.1% trading fee. Two - way charge:buy 0.1%+ sell 0.1%(deduct from the received asset).

Deposit Fees: Free.

To access the CHAOEX full detailed fee structure, please visit
Grade points: 0.00
Recensioni pubblicate da esperti
May 29, 2020

Lo scambio di criptovalute ChaoEX è attualmente chiuso e il suo sito Web è offline. ChaoEX è stata fondata nel 2017 come entità con sede a Hong Kong con licenza europea. In 2019, sono stati segnalati più casi in cui gli utenti non erano in grado di prelevare denaro o contattare il servizio clienti ChaoEX.  

ChaoEX è considerato una truffa di uscita, che ha fatto fuori con notevoli somme di denaro.

La nostra valutazione
Functionality 1 / 5
Reputation 1 / 5
Security 1 / 5
Support 1 / 5
Fees 1 / 5
La nostra valutazione
1.0 / 5
Pros and Cons



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Recensioni degli utenti
Fedor 8 April 2020

From January 12 do not answer at my requests #4854, #4932, #5360. I can't withdraw my funds!

Fred 8 February 2020

The verification isn't supposed to take so much time, I think. I've spend 3 days just to complete. The the only thing really makes me nervous. otherwise, the withdrawals and Deposits are operated smoothly.

Paulsen 7 February 2020

I received the message twice that I ought to complete the verification, it was unexpected but I did and that's ok right now so for no more problems with the exchange. My transactions pass through all the time.

Korobkin Hryhorii 7 February 2020

Для вывода средств нужно вся ваша инфа вплоть до анализов иначе не выведете средства! хотя даже после этого месяц прошел, и мне до сих пор не перевели мой эфир так как все у низ типу в ручном режиме! СКАМ, не советую сюда ничего переводить иначе потеряете!

Farrel 12 January 2020

I'm calling it unexpected verification, because firstly it allows to use the exchange, but then, in the middle of transaction it demands to compete this annoying proccesing. It could take for ages but nobody is going to return your funds, you are supposed to wait their approval and say goodbye to your funds in the mind.

Località: Hong Kong
Lancio: 2017
Sito web:
Volume: $ 199,792,002.0
coppie: 71
App mobile: iOS, Android
Full address: Unknown
Fees: Trading Fees: All users:0.1% trading fee. Two - way charge:buy 0.1%+ sell 0.1%(deduct from the received asset).

Deposit Fees: Free.

To access the CHAOEX full detailed fee structure, please visit
Fees: Trading Fees: All users:0.1% trading fee. Two - way charge:buy 0.1%+ sell 0.1%(deduct from the received asset).

Deposit Fees: Free.

To access the CHAOEX full detailed fee structure, please visit
Grade points: 0.00
Confrontare con
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