Where To Exchange Qtum (QTUM) - Best Platforms With Reviews

Where can you exchange Qtum (QTUM) in 2024?

Where Can You Exchange Qtum (QTUM)

Qtum (QTUM) is a hybrid blockchain platform that combines the best features of Bitcoin and Ethereum. This innovative platform is designed to offer the security and simplicity of Bitcoin with the flexibility and scalability of Ethereum’s smart contracts. If you’re interested in trading or investing in Qtum, knowing where to exchange Qtum (QTUM) is essential. This article will provide a detailed guide on the best platforms to exchange Qtum, along with an overview of the cryptocurrency, its history, and the technology behind it.

Understanding Qtum (QTUM)

What is Qtum?

Qtum is a blockchain platform that aims to bridge the gap between Bitcoin’s secure transaction model and Ethereum’s smart contract capabilities. It uses a modified version of Bitcoin's core, combined with an Account Abstraction Layer (AAL) that allows the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to run on top of it. This hybrid approach provides the security of Bitcoin’s UTXO model while enabling the execution of smart contracts and dApps.

Historical Background

Qtum was founded in 2016 by Patrick Dai, Neil Mahi, and Jordan Earls. The project raised over $15 million in its initial coin offering (ICO) in March 2017, which was one of the most successful ICOs at the time. Qtum's mainnet launched in September 2017, and since then, it has continued to develop and expand its ecosystem, attracting various partnerships and projects.

Core Technologies and Features

  1. Account Abstraction Layer (AAL): This layer allows Qtum to support both the UTXO transaction model from Bitcoin and the EVM for smart contracts, providing a unique hybrid architecture.

  2. Decentralized Governance Protocol (DGP): Qtum uses a governance mechanism that allows blockchain parameters to be modified through smart contracts, enabling more flexibility and adaptability without requiring a hard fork.

  3. Staking: Qtum uses a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which allows users to stake their QTUM tokens to secure the network and earn rewards.

Platforms for Exchanging Qtum (QTUM)

Major Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Several major cryptocurrency exchanges support the trading of Qtum (QTUM), offering liquidity and a secure environment for transactions:

  1. Binance: Binance is one of the largest and most popular cryptocurrency exchanges globally. It supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including QTUM. Binance offers various trading pairs for QTUM, such as QTUM/BTC and QTUM/USDT, and provides a user-friendly interface along with advanced trading features.

  2. Coinbase: Coinbase is a well-known and trusted exchange that supports QTUM trading. It offers a straightforward platform for buying, selling, and holding cryptocurrencies, making it an excellent choice for beginners.

  3. Kraken: Kraken is a reputable exchange known for its robust security measures and extensive list of supported cryptocurrencies. QTUM can be traded on Kraken with pairs like QTUM/USD and QTUM/EUR. The platform offers both basic and advanced trading options to cater to different user needs.

  4. Huobi Global: Huobi is a global exchange that supports QTUM trading. It offers various trading pairs, including QTUM/BTC and QTUM/ETH. Huobi is known for its low trading fees, user-friendly interface, and a wide range of supported cryptocurrencies.

Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs)

For those who prefer decentralized trading environments, several DEXs support Qtum (QTUM):

  1. Uniswap: Uniswap is a leading decentralized exchange that allows users to trade QTUM directly from their Ethereum wallets. Uniswap’s automated liquidity pools facilitate seamless trading without the need for a central authority.

  2. SushiSwap: SushiSwap provides liquidity pools and yield farming opportunities for QTUM holders. It offers a robust trading platform with a range of features designed for DeFi enthusiasts.

  3. 1inch: 1inch is a DEX aggregator that finds the best rates across various decentralized exchanges, allowing users to trade QTUM at the most competitive prices.

Investing and Storing Qtum (QTUM)

Choosing the Right Wallet

To securely store QTUM, selecting a compatible wallet is crucial:

  1. Qtum Core Wallet: The Qtum Core Wallet is the official wallet developed by the Qtum team. It supports staking and allows users to manage their QTUM and tokens securely.

  2. Ledger Nano S/X: Hardware wallets like Ledger provide an excellent option for storing QTUM offline, protecting it from online threats.

  3. Trust Wallet: Trust Wallet is a mobile wallet that supports multiple cryptocurrencies, including QTUM. It provides a secure and easy-to-use interface for managing digital assets.

Security Best Practices

When dealing with cryptocurrencies like QTUM, following security best practices is essential:

  1. Use Strong Passwords and Enable 2FA: Ensure that all your accounts and wallets use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security.

  2. Regular Software Updates: Keep your wallet software updated to protect against vulnerabilities.

  3. Cold Storage: For long-term storage, consider using a hardware wallet or other forms of cold storage to keep your QTUM offline and secure.

The Future of Qtum

Ongoing Developments

Qtum’s development team continues to innovate, with plans to expand their ecosystem and integrate more features into the platform. Future developments may include additional partnerships with businesses, enhancements to the Qtum API suite, and further improvements to the network's scalability and efficiency.

Community and Ecosystem Growth

The growth of the Qtum community is a key factor in the project’s success. Active participation through social media, forums, and development contributions helps foster a vibrant and supportive community. The project’s focus on community-driven development ensures that user feedback and suggestions play a significant role in shaping the future of Qtum.


Qtum (QTUM) represents a significant innovation in the blockchain space, offering a robust and secure solution for hybrid blockchain applications. For those interested in trading or investing in QTUM, the platforms listed above provide various options to buy, sell, and hold this unique cryptocurrency securely. By leveraging these exchanges and adhering to best security practices, users can confidently participate in the Qtum ecosystem. As the project continues to evolve, Qtum’s blend of technological innovation and community-driven development positions it as a valuable asset in the world of decentralized applications.

When choosing a platform to exchange Qtum (QTUM), consider its user rating. Make a conscious choice when choosing a platform. Study the company page on our website, read user reviews and draw conclusions whether you should use this service. There are a lot of scams in the field of cryptocurrency. Taking into account the reputation of the service when choosing a place to exchange Qtum (QTUM) is absolutely necessary if you do not want to lose your investment.
66 aziende

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CoinBene è uno scambio di criptovalute fondato nel 2017. Si trova a Singapore e detiene una delle posizioni principali per il suo volume regolato. Lo scambio ha più di 70 monete quotate e quasi 200 mercati attivi. Come molti scambi sul mercato, CoinBene ha un token nativo che è possibile utilizzare per ridurre le commissioni di trading. Il token di CoinBene (CONI) taglia le commissioni di trading a metà a 0.05.

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Sito web:

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South Korea

CoinPayments Wallet è un portafoglio crittografico utilizzato per transazioni e scambi di oltre 100 criptovalute su dispositivi iOS e Android. Grazie alle sue opzioni di pagamento, come un punto vendita mobile, è particolarmente conveniente per le aziende. 


Coinspace HD Wallet è un portafoglio bitcoin online gratuito che può essere utilizzato per pagamenti gratuiti in tutto il mondo. Ti consente di effettuare pagamenti in Bitcoin in modo semplice e sicuro ovunque dal tuo telefono o computer desktop. Sebbene CoinSpace sia noto come portafoglio Bitcoin, Puoi anche installare il portafoglio su LiteCoin ed Ethereum e altre criptovalute. Attualmente, CoinSpace supporta 11 criptovalute: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV, Tether USD, Stellar, EOS, Dogecoin e DASH.

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CoolWallet è un portafoglio hardware Bluetooth per la gestione di token Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple e ERC20. Rappresenta un portafoglio di stoccaggio a freddo che può essere utilizzato come app mobile Android / Apple. 

Sito web:

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New Zealand

Eidoo è un portafoglio leggero decentralizzato che supporta Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum e numerosi token ERC20. Inoltre, la piattaforma fornisce molti altri servizi tra cui lo scambio di criptovaluta, carte di debito, ecc. È stata sviluppata da un'omonima società svizzera e lanciata nel 2017. Uno degli scopi nominati dall'azienda è fornire un servizio trasparente, sicuro e facile da usare per la gestione finanziaria dei clienti di Eidoo. La società mira a mantenere il controllo sugli asset nelle mani dei clienti.

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EtherFlyer è uno scambio decentralizzato iniziato nel 2018. Mantiene la negoziazione con coppie strutturate contro BTC ed ETH.

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EXMO è una piattaforma di criptovaluta che consente agli utenti di effettuare transazioni finanziarie tra loro in criptovaluta. Molti importanti fatti chiave sullo scambio si trovano nella pagina Chi siamo. Lo scambio Exmo è stato fondato nel 2013. Ha sede a Londra. L'indirizzo fisico è EXMO EXCHANGE LTD. 41 Corsham St, London, Regno Unito.

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United Kingdom

Exrates è uno scambio di criptovalute fondato nel 2016 che lo rende un vecchio scambio di criptovaluta. Non ci sono molte informazioni sui fondatori, ma il sito rivela che è registrato in Estonia sotto una società chiamata DexTechnologies OU.

Sito web:

Lo scambio Exx è stato fondato nel 2017 e ha sede a Hong Kong. La società proprietaria si chiama EXX Group LTD. Sono supportati molti paesi, inclusi gli Stati Uniti. Lo scambio Exx ha molte organizzazioni strategiche; alcuni di questi sono ZB Capital e TopFund. È uno scambio centralizzato. Ci sono anche molti media partner; alcuni di loro sono CoinTime e Gyro Finance.

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Gate.io è stata fondata nel 2013 da Lin Han. La piattaforma è gestita da Gate Technology Incorporated. Quest'anno, il 17 aprile, Gate.io è riuscito a raccogliere $ 64.000.000 come offerta iniziale di moneta (ICO) e, secondo lo scambio della sig.ra Marie Tatibouet l'8 aprile 2019, ha raccolto una quantità non rivelata di capitale da 5 BLOCKS CAPITAL.

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Guarda Wallet è un servizio non di custodia per le monete migliori, come BTC, ETH, EOS, USDT e altre valute. Utilizzando Guarda Wallet, è possibile acquistare, scambiare e puntare cryptos. 

Sito web:

HelioWallet è uno strumento lato client che genera un indirizzo Ethereum e supporta i migliori portafogli hardware. Non richiede informazioni personali e può essere utilizzato in modo anonimo.

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