Cardano (ADA) vs Tron (TRX) Comparison

Confronta società

Cardano (ADA) and Tron (TRX) are two of the most popular blockchain projects in the world. Both have a strong community following and offer unique features to their users. In this comparison review, we will be looking at the key differences and similarities between Cardano and Tron.

Technology and Features

Cardano and Tron both have unique features that set them apart from each other. Cardano is known for its highly secure and scalable technology, which is built on a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. This technology is designed to be highly resistant to hacking and other forms of malicious attacks, making it a highly secure platform for developers to build on.
On the other hand, Tron is known for its highly scalable and efficient blockchain technology, which is built on a delegated proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. This technology is designed to be highly efficient, enabling developers to build highly scalable decentralized applications (dApps) that can process large volumes of transactions quickly and efficiently.

Community and Adoption

Both Cardano and Tron have large and active communities, but they differ in terms of adoption. Cardano has a highly active community of developers and enthusiasts who are actively building on the platform. This has led to a significant amount of adoption, with many projects launching on the Cardano blockchain.
Tron, on the other hand, has a highly active community of users who are interested in using the platform for various applications. However, the adoption of Tron has been somewhat slower, with fewer projects launching on the platform compared to Cardano.

Token Economics

Cardano and Tron have different token economics models, which have a significant impact on their ecosystems. Cardano's ADA token is used for staking, transactions, and other functions on the platform. The total supply of ADA is fixed at 45 billion, and the tokens are released over time through a process known as inflation.
Tron's TRX token, on the other hand, is used for staking, transactions, and other functions on the platform. The total supply of TRX is fixed at 100 billion, and the tokens are released over time through a process known as inflation. Additionally, Tron also has a second token called BTT, which is used to incentivize users to share files on the BitTorrent network.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Both Cardano and Tron have formed numerous partnerships and collaborations to expand their ecosystems. Cardano has partnered with several major organizations, including the Ethiopian government, to develop blockchain solutions for various industries. Additionally, Cardano has also formed collaborations with other blockchain projects, such as Celsius, to expand its reach.
Tron has also formed several partnerships and collaborations, including with major gaming companies like BitGuild and, to develop blockchain-based gaming platforms. Additionally, Tron has also formed collaborations with other blockchain projects, such as ChainLink, to expand its reach.

Roadmap and Future Development

Both Cardano and Tron have ambitious roadmaps and plans for future development. Cardano is currently working on the development of its smart contract platform, which is expected to launch in the near future. Additionally, Cardano is also working on the development of its governance model, which will enable the community to vote on key decisions related to the platform.
Tron is also working on several key developments, including the launch of its mainnet upgrade, which is expected to improve the efficiency and scalability of the platform. Additionally, Tron is also working on the development of its DeFi platform, which will enable users to access a range of financial products and services on the Tron blockchain.


User rating

4.3 / 5 7 recensioni degli utenti 4.5 / 5 8 recensioni degli utenti

Cryptogeek rating

3.8 / 5 3.6 / 5

Punteggio di Fiducia

Come funziona
4.39 / 5 4.02 / 5


La moneta Cardano (ADA) è una criptovaluta lanciata nel 2017. La valuta si basa sulla rete Cardano. Il leader del team di sviluppo è Charles Hoskinson, uno sviluppatore esperto che ha lavorato per Ethereum e BitShares prima del lancio di Cardano. Cardano è la prima criptovaluta a utilizzare codice open source accademicamente rivisto da peer, il che rende questo progetto abbastanza unico. L'algoritmo di consenso di Cardano è Proof-of-Stake. Cardano è generalmente elogiato per l'alto livello di sicurezza e le transazioni veloci. La valuta cardano ha rapidamente guadagnato valore ed è diventata una delle 10 principali criptovalute per capitalizzazione di mercato.
TRON è una piattaforma di intrattenimento basata su blockchain con il suo token nativo TRX. Il mainnet è stato lanciato nel 2018. La piattaforma dovrebbe essere un modo economico per consumare contenuti di intrattenimento e condividerli facilmente. TRON è in grado di ospitare contenuti di intrattenimento e DApps.


coin coin

Data di lancio

2017 2018


International International


Nessun dato Nessun dato


Public Public


Public blockchain Nessun dato

Prezzo attuale (USD)

0.4225 0.1292

Più alto di sempre (USD)

1.3300 0.3004

Variazione di prezzo (24 ore)

4.37 1.06

Volume (24 ore)

9660456.80661 40516689.27084


Nessun dato Nessun dato

Limite Massimo

45000000000.00000 99281283754.00000

Totale offerta

Nessun dato Nessun dato

Limite in circolazione

45000000000.00000 87185715988.80200

Velocità di transazione / Tempo blocco

50 2000

Commissione sulla transazione

Nessun dato Nessun dato

Profitabilità di mining

Nessun dato Nessun dato


Ouroboros Nessun dato

Proof type

PoS Nessun dato

Completamente estratto

Nessun dato Nessun dato

Smart contract indirizzo

Nessun dato Nessun dato

Totale monete estratte

25927070538.00000 Nessun dato

Sta commerciando

yes Nessun dato

Ricompensa di blocco

0.000000000000 Nessun dato

Tempo di blocco

Nessun dato Nessun dato
User rating User rating 4.3 / 5 7 recensioni degli utenti User rating 4.5 / 5 8 recensioni degli utenti
Cryptogeek rating Cryptogeek rating 3.8 / 5 Cryptogeek rating 3.6 / 5
Punteggio di Fiducia Come funziona Punteggio di Fiducia 4.39 / 5 Punteggio di Fiducia 4.02 / 5
La moneta Cardano (ADA) è una criptovaluta lanciata nel 2017. La valuta si basa sulla rete Cardano. Il leader del team di sviluppo è Charles Hoskinson, uno sviluppatore esperto che ha lavorato per Ethereum e BitShares prima del lancio di Cardano. Cardano è la prima criptovaluta a utilizzare codice open source accademicamente rivisto da peer, il che rende questo progetto abbastanza unico. L'algoritmo di consenso di Cardano è Proof-of-Stake. Cardano è generalmente elogiato per l'alto livello di sicurezza e le transazioni veloci. La valuta cardano ha rapidamente guadagnato valore ed è diventata una delle 10 principali criptovalute per capitalizzazione di mercato.
TRON è una piattaforma di intrattenimento basata su blockchain con il suo token nativo TRX. Il mainnet è stato lanciato nel 2018. La piattaforma dovrebbe essere un modo economico per consumare contenuti di intrattenimento e condividerli facilmente. TRON è in grado di ospitare contenuti di intrattenimento e DApps.
Tipo Tipo coin Tipo coin
Data di lancio Data di lancio 2017 Data di lancio 2018
Località: Località: International Località: International
Lingue Lingue Nessun dato Lingue Nessun dato
Team Team Public Team Public
Protocollo Protocollo Public blockchain Protocollo Nessun dato
Prezzo attuale (USD) Prezzo attuale (USD) 0.4225 Prezzo attuale (USD) 0.1292
Più alto di sempre (USD) Più alto di sempre (USD) 1.3300 Più alto di sempre (USD) 0.3004
Variazione di prezzo (24 ore) Variazione di prezzo (24 ore) 4.37 Variazione di prezzo (24 ore) 1.06
Volume (24 ore) Volume (24 ore) 9660456.80661 Volume (24 ore) 40516689.27084
Hashrate Hashrate Nessun dato Hashrate Nessun dato
Limite Massimo Limite Massimo 45000000000.00000 Limite Massimo 99281283754.00000
Totale offerta Totale offerta Nessun dato Totale offerta Nessun dato
Limite in circolazione Limite in circolazione 45000000000.00000 Limite in circolazione 87185715988.80200
Velocità di transazione / Tempo blocco Velocità di transazione / Tempo blocco 50 Velocità di transazione / Tempo blocco 2000
Commissione sulla transazione Commissione sulla transazione Nessun dato Commissione sulla transazione Nessun dato
Profitabilità di mining Profitabilità di mining high Profitabilità di mining Nessun dato
Algoritmo Algoritmo Ouroboros Algoritmo Nessun dato
Proof type Proof type PoS Proof type Nessun dato
Completamente estratto Completamente estratto Nessun dato Completamente estratto Nessun dato
Smart contract indirizzo Smart contract indirizzo Nessun dato Smart contract indirizzo Nessun dato
Totale monete estratte Totale monete estratte 25927070538.00000 Totale monete estratte Nessun dato
Sta commerciando Sta commerciando yes Sta commerciando Nessun dato
Ricompensa di blocco Ricompensa di blocco 0.000000000000 Ricompensa di blocco Nessun dato
Tempo di blocco Tempo di blocco Nessun dato Tempo di blocco Nessun dato


Sito web


Cardano @Tronfoundation
Sito web Sito web Sito web
Twitter Twitter Cardano Twitter @Tronfoundation


Friendly Peer-reviewed technology Scalable Rete veloce Tariffe basse Coin gira sulla blockchain originale


Competitors in the same space Still in development Multiple chains Il progetto è ancora nella fase iniziale del suo sviluppo


User rating User rating 4.3 / 5 7 recensioni degli utenti User rating 4.5 / 5 8 recensioni degli utenti
Cryptogeek rating Cryptogeek rating 3.8 / 5 Cryptogeek rating 3.6 / 5
Vantaggi Vantaggi Friendly Peer-reviewed technology Scalable Vantaggi Rete veloce Tariffe basse Coin gira sulla blockchain originale
Svantaggi Svantaggi Competitors in the same space Still in development Multiple chains Svantaggi Il progetto è ancora nella fase iniziale del suo sviluppo

La valutazione degli utenti di Cardano (ADA) è 4.3, basata sulle recensioni degli utenti di 7. La valutazione degli utenti dell'azienda Tron (TRX) è 4.5, basata sulle recensioni degli utenti di 8.

We also calculate the special Cryptogeek TrustScore based on the characteristics of each coin.

Scegliamo il vincitore in base al nostro Punteggio di Fiducia. Ricorda, dipende ancora da te quale compagnia scegliere! Come calcoliamo Il Punteggio di Fiducia?
Punteggio di Fiducia: 4.39 / 5 Scrivi la tua recensione
Punteggio di Fiducia: 4.02 / 5 Scrivi la tua recensione
Scegli altre aziende

Cardano (ADA) and Tron (TRX) are two of the most popular blockchain projects in the world. Both have a strong community following and offer unique features to their users. In this comparison review, we will be looking at the key differences and similarities between Cardano and Tron.

Technology and Features

Cardano and Tron both have unique features that set them apart from each other. Cardano is known for its highly secure and scalable technology, which is built on a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. This technology is designed to be highly resistant to hacking and other forms of malicious attacks, making it a highly secure platform for developers to build on.
On the other hand, Tron is known for its highly scalable and efficient blockchain technology, which is built on a delegated proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. This technology is designed to be highly efficient, enabling developers to build highly scalable decentralized applications (dApps) that can process large volumes of transactions quickly and efficiently.

Community and Adoption

Both Cardano and Tron have large and active communities, but they differ in terms of adoption. Cardano has a highly active community of developers and enthusiasts who are actively building on the platform. This has led to a significant amount of adoption, with many projects launching on the Cardano blockchain.
Tron, on the other hand, has a highly active community of users who are interested in using the platform for various applications. However, the adoption of Tron has been somewhat slower, with fewer projects launching on the platform compared to Cardano.

Token Economics

Cardano and Tron have different token economics models, which have a significant impact on their ecosystems. Cardano's ADA token is used for staking, transactions, and other functions on the platform. The total supply of ADA is fixed at 45 billion, and the tokens are released over time through a process known as inflation.
Tron's TRX token, on the other hand, is used for staking, transactions, and other functions on the platform. The total supply of TRX is fixed at 100 billion, and the tokens are released over time through a process known as inflation. Additionally, Tron also has a second token called BTT, which is used to incentivize users to share files on the BitTorrent network.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Both Cardano and Tron have formed numerous partnerships and collaborations to expand their ecosystems. Cardano has partnered with several major organizations, including the Ethiopian government, to develop blockchain solutions for various industries. Additionally, Cardano has also formed collaborations with other blockchain projects, such as Celsius, to expand its reach.
Tron has also formed several partnerships and collaborations, including with major gaming companies like BitGuild and, to develop blockchain-based gaming platforms. Additionally, Tron has also formed collaborations with other blockchain projects, such as ChainLink, to expand its reach.

Roadmap and Future Development

Both Cardano and Tron have ambitious roadmaps and plans for future development. Cardano is currently working on the development of its smart contract platform, which is expected to launch in the near future. Additionally, Cardano is also working on the development of its governance model, which will enable the community to vote on key decisions related to the platform.
Tron is also working on several key developments, including the launch of its mainnet upgrade, which is expected to improve the efficiency and scalability of the platform. Additionally, Tron is also working on the development of its DeFi platform, which will enable users to access a range of financial products and services on the Tron blockchain.