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Recensioni pubblicate da esperti
Nov 24, 2020

Ankr is building an infrastructure platform and marketplace for Web3-stack deployment. The blockchain infrastructure aims to enable resource providers and end-users to easily connect to blockchain technologies and DeFi applications. The Ankr proprietary cloud infrastructure operates independently from public cloud providers and is powered by geographically distributed enterprise-grade datacenters to increase resilience and stability.

The Ankr platform aims to provide users with customized and user-friendly node deployment and API solutions, designed to lower the entry barrier for everyday people, enterprises, and developers to contribute to blockchain ecosystems.

The Ankr node market provides users with the ability to deploy blockchain nodes in minutes, while the Ankr API market provides one-click API solutions for public blockchains and DeFi protocols.

Ankr utilizes blockchain technology as an essential part of the infrastructure to facilitate payments on the platform, metering of globally distributed resources, reputation data of users/resource providers, and algorithmically recommending data centers via smart contracts.

Ankr was founded in 2017 at Berkeley University of California. Its founding team and headquarters are based in San Francisco. Ankr’s distributed team operates from offices in Shanghai, Moscow, Bucharest, Amsterdam, India, and South-East Asia.

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Recensioni degli utenti
Dan 5 June 2022

Ankr has a high level of hype and good short-term investment potential

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