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Feb 16, 2022

Scalable, Decentralized, Anonymous and quantum secure system for Transfer of Value with Zero Fees
IMesh is our take on an innovative new distributed ledger which is based on a DAG (directed acyclic graph). Even though IMesh doesn’t suffer from the same problems as a Blockchain (e.g. scalability) it is still based on the same underlying principles: it’s still a distributed database, it’s still a P2P Network and it still relies on a consensus and validation mechanism. The structure of the Mesh is defined by the following concept: Each transaction directly verifies two other transactions and therefore confirms that they are valid and conform to the protocols rules. This directly influences how we reach consensus: Instead of having PoW (miners) or PoS (stakers) be responsible for the overall consensus the entire network of active participants are directly involved in the approval of transactions. As such, consensus in ADK is no longer decoupled from the transaction making process: it’s an intrinsic part of it, and it’s what enables ADK to scale in an unrivaled fashion without any transaction fees. This makes it so ADK can operate as an autonomous decentralized and self-regulating p2p network.

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Recensioni degli utenti
Mj 29 June 2022

I heard from my friend that this coin is anonymous, I don't know if it is.

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