Prepare for Bitcoin’s Turbulent Ride as Experts Issue Warnings

Bitcoin may decline to $62,000 by the end of March due to market volatility. Experts urge investors to remain cautious and monitor market conditions closely. Continue Reading: Prepare for Bitcoin’s Turbulent Ride as Experts Issue Warnings The post Prepare for Bitcoin’s Turbulent Ride as Experts Issue Warnings appeared first on COINTURK NEWS .

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Trump’s Crypto Reserve Sparks Debate: Should It Be Bitcoin-Only?

The post Trump’s Crypto Reserve Sparks Debate: Should It Be Bitcoin-Only? appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News Since the day when US President Donald Trump Donald Trump Donald Trump is an American former president politician, businessman, and media personality, who served as the 45th president of the U.S. between 2017 to 2021. Trump earned a Bachelor of science in economics from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968. Trump won the 2016 presidential election as the Republican Party nominee against Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton while losing the popular vote. As president, Trump ordered a travel ban on citizens from several Muslim-majority countries, diverted military funding toward building a wall on the U.S.–Mexico border, and implemented a family separation policy. Trump has remained a prominent figure in the Republican Party and is considered a likely candidate for the 2024 presidential election President confirmed the plan to establish a cryptocurrency reserve , numerous rumours on how the composition of the preprosed reserve would be have been released. Many believe that apart from Bitcoin, the US crypto reserve would include several prominent altcoins, including XRP, Solana, Ethereum and Cardano. However, some renowned experts like Will Baxter have expressed reservations about the possible inclusion of altcoins in the reserve, appealing aggressively for the creation of a BTC-only reserve. Let’s understand what Baxter has to say! Ready? Trump Confirms a US Crypto Reserve The victory of pro-crypto candidate Donald Trump in the US presidential election reversed the approach of the US administration towards the crypto industry. In the initial days of the induction itself, the Trump administration introduced some aggressive policies to support the industry. The establishment of a special crypto task force under the US Securities and Exchange Commission to develop a clear crypto regulation framework and the appointment of pro-crypto leaders in key administration positions in the White House were the prominent ones among the policies adopted by the Republican government. Recently, the US government confirmed its plan to establish a crypto reserve. Currently, there is no clarity on what would be the composition of the US crypto reserve. Will Baxter, a Vice President at Braiins Mining, has strongly called for the creation of a Bitcoin-only reserve. The prime reasons why he believes including altcoins in the crypto reserve would be a huge mistake are given below. President Trump confirmed that America will get a Crypto Reserve. Sadly, it will include XRP, Solana, Ethereum, and Cardano. Here are 7 reasons why including altcoins (especially XRP) is a HUGE mistake and why the reserve should be bitcoin-only — Will Baxter (@willbaxter88) March 3, 2025 Bitcoin Is the Only Truly Decentralised Asset Baxter has highlighted the truly decentralised nature of Bitcoin. There exists no founding team to control Bitcoin. But most altcoins have centralised foundations or companies. Altcoins Has Pre-Mined Supply, Giving Insiders an Edge Baxter has emphasised the issues related to pre-mined supply. Bitcoin has no pre-mined supply. Meanwhile, the case of altcoins is different. Almost all the top ten altcoins including ETH have pre-mined supply. Ethereum pre-sold at least 70% of its initial supply. Importantly, Ripple holds no fewer than 55% of the total supply of XRP, and Solana Foundation, insiders and VCs own 50% of the total supply of SOL. Censorship Resistance and Security Issues The expert has also pointed out the importance of security. Bitcoin is known for its robust mining network. It is considered as highly secure. Are altcoins as secure as BTC? The sensible answer is no. It is not sensible to include a crypto with a questionable security framework to the national reserve of a country – which wants its economic system to be highly resistant to external threats. Ethereum’s History Proves It’s Not Immutable The expert has explained how a hack exposed the fundamental weakness of the world’s largest altcoin. Ethereum lost approximately $60 million in the DAO hack. Emphasising how Etheruem rolled back its blockchain after the hack, the expert has argued that Ethereum can be altered when convenient. Bitcoin’s Real-World Usage vs. Altcoin Speculation Baxter has also argued that altcoins see minimal real economic activity compared to Bitcoin. Bitcoin is used by millions as a store of value and settles. .article-inside-link { margin-left: 0 !important; border: 1px solid #0052CC4D; border-left: 0; border-right: 0; padding: 10px 0; text-align: left; } .entry ul.article-inside-link li { font-size: 14px; line-height: 21px; font-weight: 600; list-style-type: none; margin-bottom: 0; display: inline-block; } .entry ul.article-inside-link li:last-child { display: none; } Also Read : Crypto Markets Crash as U.S.-China Trade War Escalates: $500B Wiped Out , Bitcoin’s Fixed Supply vs. Altcoin Supply Changes The expert has brought attention to the issue of supply as well. Bitcoin has a fixed supply of 21 million coins . However, top altcoins, even Ethereum, have changed their supply rules multiple times. Altcoins Lobbied Their Way Into the Reserve Baxter has alleged that altcoins like XRP, Solana, Ethereum and Cardano have lobbied their way into the US crypto reserve. He has explained why it is unfair to include altcoins in the reserve, asking: “we don’t put tech stocks on our national balance sheet. Why would we put their blockchain equivalents there?” .article_register_shortcode { padding: 18px 24px; border-radius: 8px; display: flex; align-items: center; margin: 6px 0 22px; border: 1px solid #0052CC4D; background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) 0%, rgba(0, 82, 204, 0.1) 100%); } .article_register_shortcode .media-body h5 { color: #000000; font-weight: 600; font-size: 20px; line-height: 22px; } .article_register_shortcode .media-body h5 span { color: #0052CC; } .article_register_shortcode .media-body p { font-weight: 400; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22px; color: #171717B2; margin-top: 4px; } .article_register_shortcode .media-body{ padding-right: 14px; } .article_register_shortcode .media-button a { float: right; } .article_register_shortcode .primary-button img{ vertical-align: middle; } @media (min-width: 581px) and (max-width: 991px) { .article_register_shortcode .media-body p { margin-bottom: 0; } } @media (max-width: 580px) { .article_register_shortcode { display: block; padding: 20px; } .article_register_shortcode img { max-width: 50px; } .article_register_shortcode .media-body h5 { font-size: 16px; } .article_register_shortcode .media-body { margin-left: 0px; } .article_register_shortcode .media-body p { font-size: 13px; line-height: 20px; margin-top: 6px; margin-bottom: 14px; } .article_register_shortcode .media-button a { float: unset; } .article_register_shortcode .secondary-button { margin-bottom: 0; } } Never Miss a Beat in the Crypto World! Stay ahead with breaking news, expert analysis, and real-time updates on the latest trends in Bitcoin, altcoins, DeFi, NFTs, and more. .subscription-options li { display: none; } .research-report-subscribe{ background-color: #0052CC; padding: 12px 20px; border-radius: 8px; color: #fff; font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px; width: 96%; } .research-report-subscribe img{ vertical-align: sub; margin-right: 2px; } Subscribe to News var templateIds = "6"; var listOfSubscribed = []; function subscribed_popupmodal(template_id) { var templateId = '6'; getAllSubscriberCategoryList([templateId]); var subcribemodal = window.parent.document.getElementById('subscribe-modal-design'); if (subcribemodal) { var modalContent = ` Never Miss a Beat in the Crypto World! Stay informed and gain the edge you need to navigate the crypto world. Select your subscription now Daily Get real-time crypto news, market insights, and blockchain updates. 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IMF Imposes New Restrictions on El Salvador’s Public Sector Bitcoin Purchases Amid $1.4 Billion Fund Agreement

According to a report by COINOTAG News on March 4th, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is taking steps to impose stricter controls on the public sector of El Salvador in

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Strategic Move: El Salvador’s Latest Bitcoin Purchase Amidst Crypto Regulation

Exciting developments are unfolding in the crypto world as El Salvador, a nation known for its pioneering spirit in digital currency adoption, announces another significant Bitcoin acquisition. Just when you thought the crypto narrative couldn’t get any more intriguing, El Salvador’s National Bitcoin Office (ONBTC) has made waves again, reinforcing its commitment to Bitcoin. Let’s dive into the details of this latest Bitcoin purchase and explore what it signifies for the nation and the broader crypto landscape. Why Another Bitcoin Purchase for El Salvador? In a recent announcement that reverberated across the crypto community, ONBTC declared on X (formerly Twitter) that El Salvador has added five more Bitcoin to its treasury. This might seem like a modest amount, but it’s a powerful signal of the country’s unwavering belief in Bitcoin, especially as crypto regulations become a global focal point. So, what’s driving this continued accumulation of Bitcoin? Doubling Down on a Vision: El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele has been a staunch advocate for Bitcoin, viewing it as a tool for financial inclusion and economic growth. This latest purchase reinforces that vision. Strategic Accumulation: Buying Bitcoin incrementally, especially during market dips, can be a strategic move to average out the purchase price and potentially benefit from future price appreciation. Confidence Signal: Despite market fluctuations and external pressures, El Salvador’s consistent Bitcoin accumulation sends a message of confidence in the long-term value of Bitcoin. [img]Image URL here[/img]El Salvador continues to invest in Bitcoin. El Salvador’s Growing BTC Holdings: A Closer Look With this recent acquisition, El Salvador’s total BTC holdings now stand at an impressive 6,100.18 BTC. At current market prices, this translates to approximately $509 million. Let’s break down what this means in real terms: Metric Value Total Bitcoin Holdings 6,100.18 BTC Estimated Value (USD) $509 Million Significance Demonstrates strong commitment to Bitcoin strategy This substantial BTC holdings position El Salvador as a unique case study in national Bitcoin adoption. It’s a bold experiment that the world is watching closely, particularly other nations considering digital currency strategies. Navigating Crypto Regulations and IMF Pressure It’s no secret that El Salvador’s Bitcoin adoption journey hasn’t been without its challenges. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has expressed concerns and urged El Salvador to reconsider its Bitcoin policies. In response, El Salvador has reportedly tightened crypto regulations concerning Bitcoin purchases and holdings. What are these regulations, and why are they significant? Increased Oversight: New regulations likely involve enhanced monitoring and reporting of Bitcoin transactions and holdings within the country. Compliance Measures: These measures aim to address the IMF’s concerns regarding financial stability, money laundering, and consumer protection in the context of Bitcoin. Balancing Innovation and Stability: El Salvador is attempting to strike a delicate balance between fostering innovation in digital currency and ensuring financial stability, especially under international scrutiny. The Global Impact of El Salvador’s Bitcoin Bet El Salvador’s foray into Bitcoin has had a ripple effect globally. It has: Sparked Global Conversation: El Salvador’s adoption has forced a global conversation about the role of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in national economies. Inspired Other Nations: While no other nation has fully replicated El Salvador’s approach, several countries in Latin America and beyond are exploring Bitcoin and digital currency strategies with renewed interest. Tested Regulatory Frameworks: The situation in El Salvador is testing the limits and adaptability of international financial regulations in the face of decentralized digital currencies. Actionable Insights: What Can We Learn? El Salvador’s ongoing Bitcoin experiment offers several key takeaways for individuals, businesses, and policymakers: Diversification is Key: For nations and individuals alike, considering Bitcoin as part of a diversified portfolio strategy can be a forward-thinking approach. Regulation is Evolving: The regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies is still nascent and rapidly evolving. Staying informed and adaptable is crucial. Long-Term Vision Matters: El Salvador’s commitment to Bitcoin demonstrates the importance of a long-term vision when adopting disruptive technologies. Conclusion: El Salvador’s Bold Stance on Bitcoin El Salvador’s latest Bitcoin purchase is more than just a financial transaction; it’s a statement of intent. It underscores the nation’s unwavering belief in Bitcoin’s potential, even amidst regulatory pressures and market volatility. As El Salvador continues to navigate this pioneering path, the world watches, learns, and debates the future of digital currency in the global economy. Whether you’re a crypto enthusiast, a financial analyst, or simply curious about the future of money, El Salvador’s Bitcoin journey is a story you can’t afford to ignore. To learn more about the latest crypto market trends, explore our article on key developments shaping Bitcoin institutional adoption.

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Bitcoin Faces Bearish Pressure as Safe Haven Assets Like Gold Flourish Amid Trade Tariff Tensions

Bitcoin is facing mounting pressures as traders pivot to gold amidst renewed U.S. trade tariffs, signaling a shift in market sentiment. The latest analysis indicates a growing perception that Bitcoin

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Bitcoin no longer 'safe haven' as $82K BTC price dive leaves gold on top

Gold leaves Bitcoin in the dust over US trade tariffs as BTC price action joins stocks and even the US dollar in taking a fresh hit.

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IMF Requests El Salvador to Limit Bitcoin Purchases by Public Sector Amid $1.4 Billion Funding Arrangement

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is tightening its hold on Bitcoin regulations in El Salvador amidst a crucial $1.4 billion funding arrangement. This directive aims to mitigate potential financial risks

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From Meme Coins to Commodities: The Trading Freedom of BlockchainFX And Its New Crypto Presale

The post From Meme Coins to Commodities: The Trading Freedom of BlockchainFX And Its New Crypto Presale appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News The trading landscape is becoming more sophisticated than ever, and BlockchainFX is at the forefront of this transformation. As financial markets become increasingly interconnected, traders are demanding more flexibility, faster execution, and access to a wider range of assets—all in one place. BlockchainFX delivers exactly that, creating the world’s first all-in-one trading super app, where users can trade crypto, stocks, forex, commodities, ETFs, and bonds seamlessly. With the $BFX token presale launching sometime this March, BlockchainFX is opening the doors for early adopters to be part of the next evolution in trading. Joining the whitelist ensures priority access to the presale and early staking rewards, offering traders a first-mover advantage in this new era of decentralized finance and multi-asset trading. The Challenge: Trading Across Markets is Inefficient Despite the rapid expansion of digital finance, trading remains highly fragmented, forcing investors to juggle multiple platforms to access different markets. Crypto traders rely on exchanges like Binance or Coinbase but lack direct access to traditional financial assets, making diversification difficult. Stock and forex traders, meanwhile, use brokers that do not support cryptocurrencies, cutting them off from blockchain-driven financial opportunities. This separation creates inefficiencies, restricting traders from executing seamless cross-market strategies. Shifting funds between asset classes—such as moving profits from meme coins into Gold ETFs—requires multiple transactions across different platforms, leading to delays, additional fees, and missed opportunities. Without a unified trading solution, investors struggle to react to market fluctuations in real time, making it harder to hedge risks, rebalance portfolios, and execute cross-asset strategies efficiently. This lack of integration limits financial flexibility, forcing traders to navigate a complex and outdated system that no longer fits the fast-moving, interconnected nature of modern markets. The Solution: One Platform for All Markets BlockchainFX eliminates these inefficiencies by uniting all major asset classes into a single, all-in-one trading platform, allowing users to move effortlessly between crypto, stocks, forex, commodities, ETFs, and bonds. By breaking down the barriers between digital and traditional finance, BlockchainFX enables traders to diversify, hedge, and capitalize on market trends without the need for multiple accounts, intermediaries, or liquidity transfers. With seamless trading between Bitcoin, Ethereum, meme coins, and DeFi tokens, alongside Tesla, Apple, major ETFs, and forex pairs like USD, EUR, JPY, and GBP, BlockchainFX bridges the gap between asset classes. Traders can also invest in commodities such as Gold, Silver, and Oil, or access institutional-grade bonds and other traditional assets, making it the most comprehensive trading ecosystem available today. The instant asset swap feature removes liquidity lockups and withdrawal delays, ensuring traders can react immediately to market changes. For example, if Bitcoin experiences a surge but macroeconomic indicators suggest rising uncertainty, users can instantly swap BTC for Gold ETFs as a hedge—without waiting for fund transfers or navigating multiple platforms. By eliminating friction and providing a truly unified trading experience, BlockchainFX offers the efficiency, flexibility, and profitability that modern traders demand in an increasingly connected financial world. Market Opportunity: Why Multi-Asset Trading is the Future Financial markets are more interconnected than ever, yet less than 1% of global trading volume comes from crypto. Asset Class Daily Trading Volume Market Share Forex $7.5 trillion 77.85% Bonds $1.1 trillion 11.42% U.S. Stocks $700 billion 7.27% Commodities $250 billion 2.59% Crypto $89 billion 0.87% The crypto industry is rapidly expanding into mainstream finance, with institutional players like BlackRock, Fidelity, and JPMorgan entering the space. This blurring of boundaries between digital and traditional finance creates a huge demand for a unified trading solution—one that BlockchainFX is uniquely positioned to fulfill. Why Now? The Shift Toward All-in-One Trading Platforms Several key trends make this the perfect time for BlockchainFX’s launch: Crypto is going mainstream – Major institutions are integrating blockchain-based financial products. Traders want diversification – Investors are expanding beyond crypto into stocks, forex, and commodities. Efficiency is critical – Managing multiple accounts and platforms is no longer viable for modern traders. DeFi and CeFi are merging – BlockchainFX bridges the gap, allowing users to trade both crypto and traditional assets seamlessly. As more traders seek efficient, multi-asset solutions, BlockchainFX is positioned to become a dominant force in the global trading industry. Conclusion: A New Era of Trading Begins The future of trading is no longer limited to crypto-only exchanges or traditional financial platforms—it’s a seamless integration of both worlds. BlockchainFX is leading this transformation, offering true trading freedom across all asset classes. Whether you’re looking to invest in meme coins, hedge with Gold ETFs, or trade forex alongside Bitcoin, BlockchainFX provides the tools, liquidity, and rewards to make it happen—all in one place. With the $BFX presale launching soon, now is the best time to secure your spot and be part of the future of trading. To find out more about Blockchain FX, check out the following links: Website: Telegram: X:

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Uncertainty Looms: Analysts Question Altcoins in US Crypto Reserve, Bitcoin’s ‘Digital Gold’ Status Solid

The idea of a national crypto reserve is gaining traction, especially in the U.S., but a crucial question is emerging: should it be more than just Bitcoin? Recent statements from former President Trump have ignited discussions about including a basket of cryptocurrencies in a strategic crypto reserve, moving beyond just Bitcoin. But are altcoins like Ethereum (ETH), XRP, Solana (SOL), and Cardano (ADA) really suitable for a national reserve? Let’s dive into the insightful analysis from Bernstein and explore the complexities. The Bitcoin ‘Digital Gold’ Argument for a Crypto Reserve Bernstein analysts, in their March 3rd note, highlighted a key distinction: Bitcoin’s position as “digital gold.” This narrative, which resonates with many crypto enthusiasts and increasingly with institutional investors, provides a strong rationale for including Bitcoin (BTC) in a crypto reserve . Think of it like a digital-age equivalent of gold reserves held by central banks – a store of value, a hedge against inflation, and a globally recognized asset. Here’s why Bitcoin fits the ‘digital gold’ narrative: Limited Supply: Just like gold, Bitcoin has a capped supply of 21 million coins, making it inherently scarce. This scarcity is a fundamental aspect of its value proposition. Decentralization: Bitcoin operates outside the control of any single government or entity, offering a level of independence and resilience that appeals to the idea of a reserve asset. Established Network: Bitcoin boasts the most mature and robust blockchain network, with a proven track record of security and uptime. Global Recognition: Bitcoin is the most widely recognized and accepted cryptocurrency globally, making it a liquid and easily tradable asset. The Altcoin Conundrum: Why Question Inclusion in a Crypto Reserve? While the case for Bitcoin in a crypto reserve seems relatively clear-cut, the inclusion of altcoins like ETH, XRP, SOL, and ADA raises significant questions. Bernstein analysts point out that the rationale for holding these cryptocurrencies in a national reserve is far less obvious. Unlike Bitcoin’s established narrative as ‘digital gold’, altcoins operate in a more diverse and, arguably, less defined space. Here’s the challenge with integrating altcoins into a national crypto reserve: Lack of Clear Narrative: While each altcoin has its own use case and community, none currently possess the broadly accepted ‘store of value’ narrative that Bitcoin enjoys. Ethereum, for example, is more focused on smart contracts and decentralized applications, while XRP is geared towards payment solutions. SOL and ADA are focused on blockchain scalability and ecosystem development. These are valuable technologies, but are they reserve assets? Regulatory Uncertainty: The regulatory landscape for altcoins is still evolving and often unclear, especially in the U.S. This uncertainty can pose risks for a national reserve, as regulatory actions could significantly impact the value and usability of these assets. Volatility and Market Maturity: Compared to Bitcoin, many altcoins exhibit higher volatility and are part of less mature markets. This increased risk profile might make them less suitable for a national reserve aimed at stability and long-term value preservation. Centralization Concerns: Some altcoins, while decentralized to some extent, may have different governance models and concentration of token ownership compared to Bitcoin, raising questions about their true decentralization and resilience. Trump’s Crypto Reserve Proposal: A Strategic Shift? The discussion around a U.S. crypto reserve gained momentum following posts by former President Donald Trump on Truth Social. Trump mentioned that his executive order had directed the Presidential Working Group to explore forming a strategic crypto reserve that included not just BTC, but also ETH, XRP, SOL, and ADA. This proposal suggests a potentially broader and more inclusive approach to a national crypto strategy. Trump’s rationale, though not explicitly detailed in the report, could stem from several factors: Diversification: Including multiple cryptocurrencies might be seen as a way to diversify the reserve and reduce risk associated with relying solely on Bitcoin. Technological Innovation: Recognizing the diverse potential of blockchain technology and the different functionalities offered by various altcoins might be a driver for including them. Political Signaling: Embracing a broader range of cryptocurrencies could be interpreted as a more inclusive and forward-looking approach to crypto policy, potentially appealing to a wider range of stakeholders. US Crypto Policy: Navigating the Complexities of a Digital Reserve The debate around including altcoins in a U.S. crypto reserve underscores the complexities of formulating a comprehensive US crypto policy . While a Bitcoin reserve aligns with its ‘digital gold’ status and established market presence, expanding it to include other cryptocurrencies introduces new challenges and considerations. Key questions for policymakers to consider include: Defining the Purpose: What is the primary objective of a national crypto reserve? Is it purely a store of value, a strategic asset, or something else? The answer will influence the selection of cryptocurrencies. Risk Assessment: A thorough risk assessment of each potential cryptocurrency is crucial, considering factors like volatility, regulatory risks, technological vulnerabilities, and market liquidity. Operational Challenges: Managing a multi-asset crypto reserve introduces operational complexities related to custody, security, and portfolio management. Transparency and Governance: Clear guidelines on the governance and management of the crypto reserve are essential to ensure transparency and accountability. The Future of Crypto Reserves: Bitcoin and Beyond? The discussion initiated by Bernstein’s analysts and Trump’s proposal is crucial for shaping the future of crypto reserves and US crypto policy . While Bitcoin’s role as ‘digital gold’ makes it a strong contender for inclusion, the case for altcoins is far from settled. The debate highlights the need for careful consideration of the goals, risks, and operational aspects of establishing a national crypto reserve. Ultimately, the decision of whether to include altcoins in a U.S. crypto reserve will depend on a complex interplay of economic, political, and technological factors. As the crypto landscape continues to evolve, a nuanced and informed approach is essential to harness the potential of digital assets while mitigating potential risks. To learn more about the latest crypto market trends, explore our article on key developments shaping Bitcoin price action.

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Gemini & Coinbase CEOs Argue Bitcoin is Only Crypto Fit for US Reserve

The debate over the United States’ proposed Crypto Strategic Reserve has intensified following Donald Trump’s announcement, with industry leaders divided on which assets should be included. Others like Ripple’s Brad Garlinghouse and Cardano’s Charles Hoskinson advocate for a multi-token approach. Meanwhile, Australia rejected similar plans, and is rather prioritizing regulatory frameworks over accumulation. Bitcoin Only True Reserve Asset? The debate over which cryptocurrencies should be included in the United States’ proposed Crypto Strategic Reserve intensified after President Donald Trump’s announcement of the initiative. The reserve is expected to include Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), Cardano (ADA), and XRP, which attracted very differing opinions from key figures in the cryptocurrency space. Gemini co-founder Tyler Winklevoss argued that only Bitcoin meets the criteria for being a US reserve asset, and stated that it is the only digital asset that qualifies as “hard money” and a “proven store of value like gold.” While he acknowledged that many other cryptocurrencies have their place in the market and are listed on Gemini, he insisted that a strategic reserve should stick to higher standards. His brother and Gemini co-founder Cameron Winklevoss agreed , and added that Ethereum could potentially be considered alongside Bitcoin, comparing them to America’s physical gold and oil reserves. Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong shared a similar perspective, and suggested that Bitcoin alone will be the best choice because of its simplicity and status as the most widely recognized and accepted digital asset. However, he also proposed an alternative approach, where the US could adopt a market cap-weighted index of cryptocurrencies to eliminate potential bias in asset selection. Bitcoin advocate and Jan3 CEO Samson Mow took a stricter stance by arguing that only proof-of-work cryptocurrencies should be included in the reserve. He claimed that proof-of-stake assets, like Solana and Cardano, are susceptible to manipulation by foreign actors who could gain control simply by acquiring a large amount of the tokens. In his view, Bitcoin and potentially Litecoin will be the only suitable assets. Despite the skepticism from Bitcoin maximalists, executives from Cardano and Ripple defended the inclusion of their respective tokens. Cardano’s Charles Hoskinson rejected criticism from gold advocate Peter Schiff, and said that XRP demonstrated resilience and maintained a strong community over the years. Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse also long supported a multi-token reserve. The Crypto Strategic Reserve proposal was made after extensive discussions from Trump’s newly established Working Group on Digital Assets, which has been evaluating its structure and potential impact. Trump is also set to host the first White House Crypto Summit on March 7, where discussions will cover regulatory policies, stablecoin oversight, and broader crypto market dynamics. Crypto Leaders Debate Trump’s Vision Although Donald Trump’s plan to establish a strategic cryptocurrency reserve has been met with some optimism in the industry, experts still warn that it does not replace the need for clearer regulatory guidelines. Patrick Young , go-to-market lead at Web3 app Galxe, believes that while the initiative signals growing government interest in crypto, long-term growth will depend on regulatory clarity. Trump’s announcement led to a short-term surge in crypto prices. Bitcoin briefly climbed above $90,000 before settling, and Cardano saw an even sharper reaction after gaining more than 40% in the first 24 hours after the news. According to Young, while crypto reserve developments can drive short-term price movements, industry-friendly regulations will play a much bigger role in sustaining long-term growth. ADA’s price action over the past week (Source: CoinMarketCap ) Trump has taken steps toward a more pro-crypto regulatory environment by appointing leadership at key agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that advanced a number of crypto-related applications that were previously stalled under the prior administration. Many in the industry are looking forward to new SEC leadership clarifying what constitutes a security, especially after the agency stated in February that meme coins are unlikely to fall under that classification. (Source: SEC ) Despite the optimism, Trump’s inclusion of altcoins also attracted criticism, with some questioning whether the move could benefit his personal crypto holdings. Young pointed out that Trump accumulated various altcoins through entities under his control, which certainly raises serious concerns about potential conflicts of interest. Additionally, Adam O’Brien , CEO of Bitcoin Well, warned that including altcoins in a government reserve introduces centralization risks. He argued that if centralized assets are considered, traditional blue-chip stocks could just as easily be part of the reserve. While the proposal stirred excitement and price movements, it also raised many questions about how a government-backed crypto reserve should be structured and what assets should be included. Australia Rejects Crypto Reserve Plans Australia’s government has no plans to establish a strategic cryptocurrency reserve, despite recent moves by the United States under President Donald Trump. While a number of US states are also considering adding cryptocurrency to their balance sheets, Australia’s current ruling party is focused on regulation rather than accumulation. A spokesperson for Assistant Treasurer and Financial Services Minister Stephen Jones confirmed that the government is prioritizing a regulatory framework for digital asset platforms. The government has been engaging with industry stakeholders to develop a tailored regulatory approach. It is, however, important to keep in mind that with Australia’s federal election looming before May 17, the political landscape may soon shift. A recent YouGov poll shows the opposition coalition holding a slight lead over the current Labor government. However, the coalition has not commented on whether it will consider a different stance on a crypto reserve. Industry experts are still very divided on the practicality of a national crypto reserve. Tom Matthews , head of corporate affairs at Australian crypto exchange Swyftx, believes that while the idea is popular, it carries a lot of risks. He pointed out that cryptocurrency price volatility could undermine the effectiveness of a strategic reserve, making it difficult to gain political traction. He also suggested that a more feasible approach might be the creation of a sovereign wealth fund with long-term crypto holdings. Jonathon Miller, managing director for Australia at Kraken, argued that cryptocurrency has already been recognized as an investment-grade asset. He specifically pointed to the presence of crypto ETFs on major exchanges and investments from superannuation and sovereign wealth funds. Miller suggested that institutions like the Future Fund and even the Australian Treasury should consider allocating assets to crypto. Meanwhile, regulatory oversight of the crypto industry in Australia is increasing. In December, Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Center CEO Brendan Thomas announced that the agency will shift its focus toward crypto in 2025, including a crackdown on crypto ATM providers that may not comply with anti-money laundering laws. The Australian Securities and Investment Commission also released a consultation paper in December, proposing that many digital assets be classified as financial products. This will require firms to obtain proper licensing.

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