Blockchain Scalability Solutions: Layer 2 & Beyond

Blockchain technology has the potential for huge positive change across various industries. But, a large roadblock is its limited scalability. The nature of blockchains limits the number of transactions per second resulting in slower transaction speeds and higher costs, hindering its extensive adoption. 

However, LI.FI stands out. It offers its users fast transactions and low costs, which puts it among the best multichain liquidity aggregation protocols.

In the following section, we’ll give deeper insight into the classical definition of blockchain scalability and will start to look into Layer 2 solutions as well as other scaling technologies that try to deal with the described shortcomings of blockchains.

The scalability challenge

Imagine a busy highway. If too many cars try to use it at once, traffic jams become inevitable. Blockchains face a similar issue. Every transaction requires approval from the whole network. This process can create a slowdown as usage goes up.

Famous chains like Bitcoin only manage a few transactions each second. This capability is much lower than conventional payment systems such as Visa. The slow processing results in two significant issues:

Enter Layer 2 Solutions

Layer 2 solutions come in the form of an extension added on top of the main blockchain network otherwise referred to as Layer 1. They are designed to enhance transaction capacity and slash fees by doing the transaction on Layer 2 but utilize the Layer 1 blockchain for security. Here's how they work:

There are several different Layer 2 scaling solutions, each with its own advantages and trade-offs. Some popular examples include:

Beyond Layer 2: Exploring other scaling solutions

Layer 2 solutions notably advance blockchain scalability but there are other emerging developments. 

The progress of these solutions plays a central role in blockchain technology gaining general acceptance. As these technologies ripen, faster, cost-effective, and easily manageable blockchains will emerge, opening routes for a decentralized future.