संपर्क करें
देश: China
शुरू की: 2018
साइट: bilaxy.com
मात्रा: $ 986,043,033.0
जोड़े: 157
मोबाइल एप्लिकेशन: iOS, Android
Full address: Hong Kong (The exchange does not disclose the exact location of its office)
Fees: Deposits:

All trades are charged 0.15%, This is calculated by taking the (amount * purchase price * .0015).
Any portion of an order that has not to execute, will be refunded fully upon the cancellation of the order.

Minimum Trade Amount:
ETH trading pair: minimum order size is 0.01ETH or 0.01 ETH equivalent.
USDT trading pair: minimum order size is 10USDT or 10USDT equivalent.
BTC trading pair: minimum order size is 0.0003BTC or equivalent.

Withdrawal fees are regularly adjusted according to blockchain conditions.
You could also check the withdrawal fee or Minimum Withdrawal on the withdrawal page of the exact token/coin.
A withdrawal fee will be deducted from your withdrawal amount.
Since the blockchain asset has a large price fluctuation in the short term, Bilaxy reserves the right to modify the withdrawal fee according to the current token price and block network situation. Generally, the exact tokens deducted as a withdraw fee will be updated WEEKLY.
Fees: Deposits:

All trades are charged 0.15%, This is calculated by taking the (amount * purchase price * .0015).
Any portion of an order that has not to execute, will be refunded fully upon the cancellation of the order.

Minimum Trade Amount:
ETH trading pair: minimum order size is 0.01ETH or 0.01 ETH equivalent.
USDT trading pair: minimum order size is 10USDT or 10USDT equivalent.
BTC trading pair: minimum order size is 0.0003BTC or equivalent.

Withdrawal fees are regularly adjusted according to blockchain conditions.
You could also check the withdrawal fee or Minimum Withdrawal on the withdrawal page of the exact token/coin.
A withdrawal fee will be deducted from your withdrawal amount.
Since the blockchain asset has a large price fluctuation in the short term, Bilaxy reserves the right to modify the withdrawal fee according to the current token price and block network situation. Generally, the exact tokens deducted as a withdraw fee will be updated WEEKLY.
Grade points: 0.00
विशेषज्ञ की समीक्षा
May 29, 2020

बिलैक्सी 2018 में लॉन्च किया गया एक केंद्रीकृत क्रिप्टोक्यूरेंसी एक्सचेंज है । इसकी रिपोर्ट मात्रा लगभग $ 98-105 मिलियन है । एक्सचेंज अंग्रेजी और चीनी दोनों संस्करणों में उपलब्ध है ।  

बिलक्सी में 157 उपलब्ध व्यापारिक जोड़े और 134 सिक्के हैं । एक्सचेंज ईटीएच के खिलाफ कई अलग-अलग ऑल्टकॉइन के साथ व्यापार की संभावना प्रदान करता है । व्यापारियों को फिएट मुद्रा व्यापार नहीं मिलेगा, और बीटीसी के खिलाफ कोई व्यापार भी नहीं है ।  

जब आप ईथर को वापस लेते हैं तो बिलैक्सी 0.01 ईटीएच का निकासी शुल्क लेता है । एक्सचेंज पर जमा मुफ्त हैं ।  

एक्सचेंज प्लेटफॉर्म पर व्यापार करने के लिए आगे बढ़ने के लिए केवाईसी सत्यापन पूरा करने की मांग करता है । एक्सचेंज उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए एक रेफरल कार्यक्रम है ।

हमारा स्कोर
Functionality 4 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Support 4 / 5
Fees 4 / 5
हमारा स्कोर
4 / 5
Pros and Cons
अपनी समीक्षा लिखिए
कृपया अपनी रेटिंग चुनें।
आपकी समीक्षा

कंपनी के बारे में अपनी समीक्षा यहां छोड़ें: कृपया ध्यान दें कि उत्पाद चुनते समय उपयोगकर्ता के लिए आपकी प्रतिक्रिया महत्वपूर्ण हो सकती है, इसलिए अशुद्धि और अनुचित आलोचना से बचने का प्रयास करें।

आपका नाम
तुम्हारा ईमेल

आपकी ईमेल प्रकाशित नहीं की जाएगी

उपयोगकर्ता समीक्षा
Teemy 4 January 2020

The good fellas. The exchange has a great support coverage and transparent trading system. The web site works without failures at least I didn't notice any problems so far..

Bernard 31 December 2019

I have no complaints, moreover I've checked different platforms and reviews and I didn't find them either. For the realatively new exchange it works amazing, the exchange is pulling it off.

Rollo 28 December 2019

I found bilaxy is a kind of credible exchange. Despite of the unknown background it provides intuitive website and not bad trading system. The crypto exchanges are developing and I am a witness of new interesting places like this, it's a good sign. The scums are getting less.

Derek 1 December 2019

Despite the no name status, bilaxy is an excellent exchange, i think. They are widely open to the new ICO projects and provide helpful support. I'd recommend to trade her, it's really worth it.

Amalgam 30 November 2019

I can't get the email confirmation, Ive checked the spam folder and changed the browser, there is no any. I would use the exchange but as I se it wasn't meant for me.

देश: China
शुरू की: 2018
साइट: bilaxy.com
मात्रा: $ 986,043,033.0
जोड़े: 157
मोबाइल एप्लिकेशन: iOS, Android
Full address: Hong Kong (The exchange does not disclose the exact location of its office)
Fees: Deposits:

All trades are charged 0.15%, This is calculated by taking the (amount * purchase price * .0015).
Any portion of an order that has not to execute, will be refunded fully upon the cancellation of the order.

Minimum Trade Amount:
ETH trading pair: minimum order size is 0.01ETH or 0.01 ETH equivalent.
USDT trading pair: minimum order size is 10USDT or 10USDT equivalent.
BTC trading pair: minimum order size is 0.0003BTC or equivalent.

Withdrawal fees are regularly adjusted according to blockchain conditions.
You could also check the withdrawal fee or Minimum Withdrawal on the withdrawal page of the exact token/coin.
A withdrawal fee will be deducted from your withdrawal amount.
Since the blockchain asset has a large price fluctuation in the short term, Bilaxy reserves the right to modify the withdrawal fee according to the current token price and block network situation. Generally, the exact tokens deducted as a withdraw fee will be updated WEEKLY.
Fees: Deposits:

All trades are charged 0.15%, This is calculated by taking the (amount * purchase price * .0015).
Any portion of an order that has not to execute, will be refunded fully upon the cancellation of the order.

Minimum Trade Amount:
ETH trading pair: minimum order size is 0.01ETH or 0.01 ETH equivalent.
USDT trading pair: minimum order size is 10USDT or 10USDT equivalent.
BTC trading pair: minimum order size is 0.0003BTC or equivalent.

Withdrawal fees are regularly adjusted according to blockchain conditions.
You could also check the withdrawal fee or Minimum Withdrawal on the withdrawal page of the exact token/coin.
A withdrawal fee will be deducted from your withdrawal amount.
Since the blockchain asset has a large price fluctuation in the short term, Bilaxy reserves the right to modify the withdrawal fee according to the current token price and block network situation. Generally, the exact tokens deducted as a withdraw fee will be updated WEEKLY.
Grade points: 0.00
तुलना करना
HitBTC क्रिप्टोक्यूरेंसी एक्सचेंज 2013 में एस्टोनियाई विशेषज्ञों और इज़राइली उद्यमियों द्वारा बनाया गया एक मंच है जो आपको 300 से अधिक क्रिप्टोक्यूरेंसी जोड़े का व्यापार करने की अनुमति देता है। मंच को 2013 में वापस लॉन्च किया गया था और इसमें प्राप्त निवेशों की राशि लगभग 6 मिलियन डॉलर थी।
डिजिटल सिक्कों की लोकप्रियता और मांग में एक निश्चित कमी के बावजूद, कई उपयोगकर्ता उन्हें सक्रिय रूप से उपयोग करना जारी रखते हैं। यह क्रिप्टोकरेंसी की विशिष्ट विशेषताओं और क्षमताओं का पक्षधर है। अक्सर दूसरे सिक्के के लिए एक प्रकार के क्रिप्टो एक्सचेंज करने की आवश्यकता होती है। क्या करें? इस लेख में, हम क्रिप्टोक्यूरेंसी एक्सचेंज - चांगेली के सबसे अच्छे समाधानों में से एक पर विचार करेंगे। क्या यह पर्याप्त सुरक्षित है और कोशिश करने लायक है? चांगेली कानूनी है? क्या चांगेली घोटाला? इन सभी सवालों का जवाब इस लेख में दिया जाएगा।
RuDEX N / A में स्थित एक विकेन्द्रीकृत क्रिप्टोक्यूरेंसी एक्सचेंज है। एक्सचेंज 2017 में लॉन्च किया गया था। इसकी रिपोर्ट 8 अक्टूबर 2019 के लिए लगभग $ 0 है। RuDEX में 19 उपलब्ध व्यापारिक जोड़े और 11 सिक्के हैं। डिपॉजिट एक्सचेंज में हैं। RuDEX में फिएट डिपॉजिट ऑप्शन नहीं है। मार्जिन ट्रेडिंग ऑप्टि ...

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