Pays: International
Lancé: 2019
Avis d'expert
Aug 17, 2020

GetBlock is a service that provides a fee-free connection to blockchain nodes of the most popular cryptocurrencies. GetBlock supports such tools like JSON-RPC, REST, and WebSockets, which facilitates direct synchronization with the blockchain. Users can immediately connect the app to a blockchain, as GetBlock relieves you from running a node yourself. The platform allows its customers to stay focused on their projects and development, it needs not more than a few clicks to connect one or merge several nodes in one place. This service is suitable for young entrepreneurs and beginners, as well as for crypto developers and blockchain users, for all those who have neither time nor resources to run their own full node. At the moment, GetBlock offers nodes of more than 20 cryptos, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Monero (XMR), and Litecoin (LTC).

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Avis d'utilisateurs
LK 31 December 2021

GetBlock has saved my ass several times when public RPC gone bonkers, which coincidentally usually happens during high volatility when you need reliable and fast RPC.

Kanchan 30 December 2021

Great service and idea, I‘m a freshman in Crypto, and searching for such things for quite a long time. Thank you for shareing.

Orest 25 December 2021

GetBlock is a partner of Covalent. Thanks to this, I learned about this wonderful service. I am an administrator of the Ukrainian community Covalent and I have heard good reviews about this service from interested users of Covalent.
GetBlock is focused on providing access to its resources without any problems. You can connect your app to the blockchain of popular networks and receive information without additional launch nodes. It is very cool and saves a lot of time and resources. Various pricing plans are very enjoyable: free with 40k requests per day to an unlimited plan for $500. It will satisfy any needs.
Thank you for the good service!

nick kk 24 December 2021

Phantom Galaxies Very good Am looking forward to

Bing 24 December 2021

Great service. GetBlock is the node service I used the most and very satisfy when using it

Pays: International
Lancé: 2019
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