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Akropolis (AKRO) logo

Akropolis (AKRO) Review

Site: akropolis.io
Avis d'expert
Oct 22, 2020

Akropolis' mission is to give people the tools to save, grow, and provide for the future safely and without dependence on geography, a central counterparty, or falling prey to predatorial financial practices of multiple intermediaries.

With that in mind, Akropolis has built AkropolisOS, light and modular framework for creating for-profit DAOs, with customizable user incentives, automated liquidity provision enabled by the bonding curve mechanism, and programmatic liquidity and treasury management.

Its first product, Sparta (sparta.akropolis.io), allows taking undercollateralized loans (borrower provides only 50% of collateral), as well as to passively generate yield via integrated yield rebalancer to get maximum available APR from different DeFi protocols. All funds are pooled, and the internal economy is based on a bonding curve, which provides additional incentives to the users.

Another product the team is developing is Delphi (delphi.akropolis.io), a pool that allows executing automatic dollar-cost averaging into BTC&ETH (thus diversifying long-term investment portfolio) and participating in different yield harvesting (liquidity mining) possibilities (earning COMP, BAL, etc passively).

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Avis d'utilisateurs
Pat 13 May 2021

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Site: akropolis.io
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