IOST est actuellement basé sur le protocole Ethereum de crypto-monnaie. Vous pouvez vérifier la capitalisation boursière et le volume d'IOST sur le widget de notre partenaire. Vous pouvez également voir le dernier prix IOST sur Vous pouvez laisser vos commentaires et avis sur la crypto-monnaie IOST ici.
Fine. Got some of those in my portfolio.
IOST basic tech is far superior to Ethereum with Proof of Believability staking consensus each node require minimum 2.1m votes staked or getting votes from other delegators which 1 IOST = 1 Vote to start producing blocks. IOST is a wise choice for Dapps developers with gas efficient blockchain which is a problem in Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum network nowadays, we can say IOST is next home of DeFi projects. IOST is also claimed to be ultra fast and can achieve up to 100K TPS. By using sharding, this increase speed and scalability.