Binance Coin (BNB) logo
Binance Coin (BNB) logo

Binance Coin (BNB) Prix et Avis

Pays: International
Lancé: 2017
Capitalisation boursière: $ 97,205,831,525.78
La fourniture: 144,005,556.41
Symbol: BNB
Prix (USD): $ 675.145
Volume 24h: $ 467,104,123.72646
Changer 24h: 0.3%
Max supply: 187,536,713.0
Total coins mined: 155,536,713.0
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
Avis d'expert
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May 22, 2020

Binance Coin est un actif numérique émis en 2017 par Binance, qui est l'un des plus grands échanges de crypto-monnaie. Binance Coin (BNB) est un jeton ERC20 basé sur la blockchain Ethereum. L'actif est disponible sur la plupart des grandes bourses centralisées.

Binance Coin bénéficie d'un solide soutien à la fois sur Binance et Binance DEX. Les utilisateurs de Binance bénéficient de remises pour les transactions avec des paires qui incluent BNB, tandis que sur Binance DEX la plupart des paires de trading incluent BNB. En raison de la forte popularité de la marque, l'actif natif de Binance est rapidement devenu un succès majeur et l'une des 10 principales crypto-monnaies par capitalisation boursière. Il a survécu à une rude année 2018 sans aucun problème notable.

Notre note
Transaction speed 5 / 5
Technology 5 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Investment potential 5 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Notre note
4.6 / 5
Pros and Cons

Uses a unique Burndown Policy

Acts as a discount coupon

Offers fast transactions and low fees


Is heavily centralized

A major target for cyberattacks

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Avis d'utilisateurs
van Vleuten 22 October 2019

Great growth potential. The number of implemented features to make Binance coin more valuable and increase its utility is mind blowing.

Nightshade 14 October 2019

I like how Binance was among the first to provide a solution for users to collect and recover the Crypto “dust” balances remaining.

Candace 13 September 2019

At the moment, this is one of the most successful altcoins for long-term investment. I think this currency has good potential. There is also high fame and discussion, which is also important!

tristan 6 September 2019

Binance has a number of advantages. First of all it’s fast transactions. There is a capacity to make more than 1 mln transactions per second. Trading on the Binance exchange can let you reduce the fee. But, it’s a pity that you can trade with that coin only on the same name platform. Besides, it’s a great investment tool.

harry williams 6 September 2019

BNB is a perfect coin to invest. Lately, it has an incredible growth and reached the top 10 by capitalization. BNB lets you save you funds on the commission what is really import thing. Also, it provides fast transaction and doesn’t make you wait for ages to finish any operations with the coin.

Pays: International
Lancé: 2017
Capitalisation boursière: $ 97,205,831,525.78
La fourniture: 144,005,556.41
Symbol: BNB
Prix (USD): $ 675.145
Volume 24h: $ 467,104,123.72646
Changer 24h: 0.3%
Max supply: 187,536,713.0
Total coins mined: 155,536,713.0
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
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