Seeking to Destroy Pepe Coin, Memeinator's Brutal Pursuit is Changing Crypto Investment

Seeking to Destroy Pepe Coin, Memeinator's Brutal Pursuit is Changing Crypto Investment
Sep 26 0
Seeking to Destroy Pepe Coin, Memeinator's Brutal Pursuit is Changing Crypto Investment

Pepe Coin has been one of 2023’s success stories in the meme coin niche. Inspired by the ubiquitous internet character created by Matt Furie, the PEPE crypto token rose by as much as 7,000% from April to May 2023.

But like most meme coins of its ilk, its fall has been swift. The frog-themed meme coin has been on a downward spiral after news emerged that rogue developers stole over $16 million in PEPE crypto tokens from the project’s multi-sig wallet. As of this time of writing, Pepe Coin has lost 80% of its value, falling out of CoinGecko’s top 100 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.

Unfortunately, such occurrences happen all too often in the meme coin space. 

The crypto world needs a hero to cleanse it from all the hot meme coin garbage that abounds — and that hero manifests in the form of Memeinator (MMTR).

Memeinator is a new crypto project currently in its presale phase, designed to purge the industry of meme coins and joke coins with no utility. 

And it has its sights set firmly on dethroning Pepe Coin en route to meme coin supremacy in 2023.

What is Memeinator and how does it work?

Listen up, Pepe Coin, HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu, and Dogelon Mars: your time is up. Memeinator — loosely influenced by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s iconic cybernetic assassin character The Terminator — is out for blood. 

The Memeinator’s mission is to zero in on the weakest meme coins and eliminate them, metaphorically, in its quest to hit a $1 billion market cap. The project is bootstrapping itself with the thrilling combination of creative marketing, quirky ‘90s action movie references with many explosions and gunfights, and meme coin virality to build its resistance army. The Memeinator’s crusade against weaker meme coins will be epic.

Upon the conclusion of its presale launch and listing of its MMTR token on crypto exchanges, Memeinator will partner with tier 1 platforms and crypto influencers to promote the token. The protocol will also allow investors to stake their Memeinator tokens for passive income while developing a secret NFT project for early birds.

The Memeinator’s roadmap culminates with the release of its game called Meme Warfare, an exciting first-person shooter where players can explore the virtual meme coin world to search and destroy meme coins deemed unworthy of their existence. The game is powered on the back end by the Memeinator’s very own AI Memescanner — a tool designed to identify potential meme coin contenders and mark unfit ones for extermination. 

AI Memescanner assesses memes circulating the internet. These memes are fed into the game, wherein they shall appear as in-game content for players roleplaying as the Memeinator to hunt down and exterminate. The game is in line with the Memeinator’s goal to expose meme coins with no value, eventually consuming their liquidity in its goal to hit a $1 billion market cap.

Memes, explosions, shoot-em-up gameplay, and AI — what’s not to love about the Memeinator?

Judgment Day is upon the meme coin world with the Memeinator presale

Paying homage to the Terminator movie franchise’s Judgment Day, the Memeinator announced the launch of its crypto presale on 29th August It’s a 29-day countdown to the extinction of Pepe Coin and its ilk. The MMTR initial coin offering will feature 29 phases, with stage one offering Memeinator tokens at a launch price of $0.01 on 27th September.

The presale features incremental increases throughout each stage, concluding at $0.049 before MMTR begins listing on exchanges. Early-stage Memeinator investors who bought in phase one will be looking to profit by a 390% margin by the token’s launch date.

For added incentive, the Memeinator launch will also run a competition that could see one lucky winner exploring outer space, with a seat on the Virgin Galactic up for grabs!

PEPE holders rejoice — your days of bag-holding can end. All you have to do is join the Memeinator presale today. The latter’s deflationary tokenomics, quarterly token burn mechanism, and dedicated following of Memeinator crusaders offer a brighter future than Pepe coin.

Join the Memeinator crusade today

The ship has sailed for Pepe Coin holders. The mysterious $16 million theft of PEPE crypto tokens was the beginning of the end. The oversaturation of pathetic meme coins has crypto enthusiasts crying out for a savior to purge the weak from the strong, the healthy from the sick, and the real from the fake. 

That’s what the Memeinator is — and it will let nothing stand in its way on its march to the $1 billion market cap.

Judgment Day is coming, and days are numbered for coins like Pepe Coin and HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu. Meme coin enthusiasts looking to diversify their portfolios have been waiting for this moment, with the MMTR token presale scheduled to launch on 27th September.

The Memeinator ICO is already making waves, and presale slots are expected to run out fast. Be part of the thousands of Memeinator crusaders ready to invest — and sit pretty on what could be a 390% ROI before the rest get in.

To get exclusive information on the presale and the Memeinator launch, sign up using the form on the Memeinator website.

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